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Home ] Unique Designs ] Autism Awareness ] Family Jewels ] Frequently Asked Questions ] Why I do what I do . . .

Hello there, my name is Heather.  I take great pride in using the finest materials that I can find to craft wonderful pieces for you to enjoy. 

I began beading in 2003, out of the need for a confirmation gift for my stepdaughter's friend.  I went to Beading Heart, a local beading supply store, and purchased a kit.  I was hooked!

From there it snowballed.  I needed a creative outlet that I could put down, put away and not have to worry about losing my place.  Beading fit the bill!  It also allows me to go on search and destroy missions.  Half of the fun of beading is collecting beads to use in new designs!

The more I worked with the beads, the more theraputic the whole design process became.  Being a full time mother of two Autistic children can be very stressful at times, and beading helps me stay sane.  And, it appeals to my Autistic tendencies as well.  Sorting, organizing, making patterns, lining things up . . . I'm in heaven.

I am also working on developing a Non-Profit organization to help families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders find resources in their area.  If you would like more information on Gabriel's Army, please follow this link.

Thank you again for checking out my designs!



" The Eye of God" Helix Nebula, which has nothing to do with anything, really ~ I just like the picture!



Copyright © 2005  Beady Eyes. All rights reserved.
Revised: 04/29/05.

This is Gabriel, the older of my two children. He is aptly named, for he truly had been "God's Messenger." His language came in this Spring, and now he is talking up a storm!  There is nothing better than hearing your child say, "I love you!"

This is Libby, my little thumbprint. She is a spitfire; Heaven help you if you get in her way! Her loves are wind spinners, swinging, sliding, climbing and numbers
She is going to be the family math wiz!