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Reviewer: T. P. (Pennsylvania)

My father was one of the GIs talked about so many times in this book. His personal friendship with Padre Pio changed his life. Coming back from WWII, dad spent endless evenings showing his movies and slide shows about Padre Pio to church groups and anyone interested. It was a mission to him.


Dad always wanted to publish a book about his lifetime friendship with this holy man who is now a saint. Dad passed away without doing so, but some of his personal notes were used by Mr. Rega in this book... as were letters that he wrote to others concerning Padre Pio. As my mother and entire family is, dad would have been very pleased with Mr. Rega's book.


This is not merely a manuscript. It is an owner's manual for a soul. The stories within are enlightening, fascinating, encouraging and expertly handled by Mr. Rega's unique gift as a talented author. Not only is it well written, the content makes it almost impossible to put down before finishing.


This book is a "must" for anyone interested in Padre Pio.

Highly, highly recommended!


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Arthur Rogers