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I’ve been taking Coral Calcium from Okinawa for four years now. I have more energy and vitality than before.

As a young man I enjoyed boxing as a sport, and have continued to hit the heavy bag for exercise. Now, almost 70 years of age, I am hitting the bag as I did in my prime.

Family members say they notice a more youthful appearance overall. I believe this is due to exercise, a healthy diet, and supplementing daily with Salaam Nutrition’s products, especially Coral Calcium in the form of capsules and sachets.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed

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Why Coral Calcium? Calcium is about having much more than just strong bones and teeth. Calcium is one of the body's most crucial elements, being involved in more bodily functions than any other element. Not to mention, it makes up almost 2% of the human body weight. Coral Calcium from Okinawa is not just another calcium supplement! It's the purest, most bio-available form of Ionic Calcium, and it contains alkalizing properties that help maintain an optimal pH value in your body's fluids which is vital to life itself. This exceptional form of calcium is contained in a very unique delivery system. Customer Price $21.95

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With Coral Calcium Capsules you get all the benefits of pure coral calcium in the convenience of a capsule. Now your body can absorb 100% of the minerals combined in 1000 mg of coral calcium in a daily serving. With sachets you are not getting 100% of the coral calcium minerals because some of it is still in the sachet when you throw it away. In Coral Calcium Capsules the calcium to magnesium ratio is a biologically perfect 2:1. Customer Price $21.95

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Do you take vitamins? Do you take minerals with those vitamins? If not, quit throwing away your money! Minerals are required for vitamins to be effective. And, vitamins and minerals must be consumed, because they are not manufactured by your body. Ideally, eating a balanced diet should supply the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs. In actuality, it is known this is not true. Our Vitamin & Mineral Formula is a blend of 21 all-natural, food grade vitamins and plant derived minerals, plus 8 phyto-nutrients and 5 essential amino acids, all necessary to maintain optimal health and assure that well-rounded balance is achieved. Customer Price $19.95

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Don't be fooled! You do not get enough digestive enzymes in your food. Enzymes found naturally in raw food are substantially depleted due to unrich soils and by processing procedures. Furthermore, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, colds and fevers, pregnancy, stress, strenuous exercise, all add to create enzyme depletion in your body. The entire physical makeup and all physiological functions of your body require enzymes to work properly. Without them, your body will quickly deteriorate and eventually die. Our Digestive Enzymes provide your body with a superior formulation to break down their simplest and most bioavailable form fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This product also contains friendly bacteria your body needs, and maintain optimal health with maximum energy.

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