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Alabama State Senate
decides to take 11.7
million out of education
fund that was ear
marked for reading
programs, to be split
up among the state
legislators. This money
would be used for pork
barrel spending in their
districts. In other words
this is their reelection
money. This is now
going before the
Alabama House of
It is business as usual
in the State Capital.

A look at how the
Sept. 11 attacks
affected the 50 states
and the District of
ALABAMA: More than
3,000 soldiers from
Alabama's National
Guard and reserve
units have been
activated in the war on
terrorism, one of the
largest mobilizations of
any state. A section of
highway was named in
honor of Alabama
native Johnny Micheal
Spann, a CIA officer
who was the first
American killed by
opposing forces in
Afghanistan. While
tourism fell off in many
parts of the country, it
was up in Alabama,
which many tourists
visit by car, not on
airplanes; for the 10
months beginning Oct.
1, 2001, the state's
lodging tax revenue
was up nearly 3
percent over the same
period the year before.

Wisconsin Hospital
a future shortage of
Physicians in

China Trade Mission
led by Wisconsin
Governor Jim Doyle will
be leading a trade
mission to China from
March 19-31, the
largest trade
delegation in
Wisconsin history and
the second largest
state trade delegation
ever to visit China.
While Wisconsinites
are used to seeing
their products marked
"Made in China,"
Governor Doyle wants
to help introduce the
Chinese to the "Made
in Wisconsin" label.    

Wisconsin Governor
Designating the
Cranberry as
Wisconsin’s State Fruit

Working to keep
disease out of Georgia
Georgia Agricultural
Commission Tommy
Irvin Discusses Avian
Influenza with Secretary

Georgia Farmers:
Some experts say only
about 50,000 full-time
farmers remain in a
state once dominated
by agriculture.

Farm in Oxford, NJ

John Deere ATVs

American Angus             

RotorWay International
Helicopter Home Built Kits

Mosquito Magnet®
Proven 80-90% mosquito  
reduction from just one  

West Nile Virus Outbreak

The first case of West Nile
infection for this year was
reported April 6th, 2004.

Last year the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention reported 9,858
West Nile cases, with 262
deaths in 45 states and the
District of Columbia.

It seems that each year the
outbreak begins earlier. The
outbreak is expected to be
greater this year and people
are advised to keep grass cut,
wear long sleeves and pants.

Also take preventive measures
by getting rid of old tires that
can hold water and other
potential breeding areas
around your yard or farm.

Emu, a growing
phenomena. Provides
a healthy meat as
well as new research
in medical treatment.

Copyright © April-2004 The ARG. All Rights Reserved

The Agriculture Research Group ARG

ARG News-Emu Industry
Market Development
RAE'Lex a manufacture of skin care, wound care and arthritis products. The main
ingredients in all of RAE'Lex products is emu oil.
more info    Products for diabetic ulcers, circulation, neuropathy, non-healing wounds, various
types of skin orders and arthritis.   

Short Over View of The ARG
* To promote market support and diversity for the
 American family farm.
* Promoting stewardship in good land management.
* Promote a healthy enviroment
* Protect landowner rights
* Educational and scholarship programs for youth...

The ARG providing news, products and services.
for more information
To subscribe and become a member of The ARG--click--
All members of
The ARG receive 15 % off at The ARG Store.

The ARG  Recipe Corner

Medical News- * Arthritis, the coming epidemic
               * Diabetes is an epidemic affecting almost
                 every American household.

NFU to        USDA: No Canadian beef without COOL
                USDA Secretly allows Canadian Beef into U.S. in spite of ban

                 Mad Cow diease maybe more wide spread than we know...more

Healthy Beef Recipes

Hog Wars & Pork Check-off News & Analysis

The right to food self sufficiency
5-point plan for family farm policy
Interview with Bryce Oates
Columbia, Missouri

Wisconsin ag bill will require Wisconsin farms where livestock
are housed or co-mingled to be under a premises registration system,
a registration with the state...more

The Outdoor Sports        
   Industry's Daily           
Transaction newsletter

At a military base near Najaf,
Iraq, soldiers from the 2nd
Battalion, 2nd Regiment of the
1st Infantry Division pray after a
memorial service for Staff Sgt.
Victor Rosales and Spc. Allen

Anthony Serio, right, father of
Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew
Serio, stands alongside his wife,
Sharon Serio, and an
unidentified mourner as they
watch Marines unload the boxed
casket of their son from an
aircraft in Warwick, Rhode
Island. Matthew Serio, 21, was
killed April 5 in Iraq’s Al Anbar
province after his unit arrived to
help quell an uprising.

     The Agriculture Research Group ARG                               
Supports The Troops and their families

For the rest of my life I could never repay the sacrifice that our troops and their families
have made to protect my freedom and my family from harm.
Saying thanks just doesn't
seem to be enough.

Darrell Good
Founder of

If you would like to make a statement of encouragement to our troops and their families
please send to  
our message will be posted here.

BusinessWeek:  Latin Americans from South of the U.S. border, working in the
United States sent
13 billion dollars back home to their families during year 2003.

The ARG: ...and that doesn't count the money that they spent in the United States for
everyday living expense.

We can't say that these Hispanics are taking
jobs away from our U.S. Citizens. The problem
is, we don't have enough of our own people
willing to work the kind of jobs that many of the
Hispanics from South of the border are willing
to take.

More & more non-agri and agricultural
businesses are relying on a Hispanic work force.

They help businesses and farmers fill jobs that domestic workers simply don't
want and they sacrifice much to be here.

Some of the affects of Sept. 11 th on your state

Governor of Wisconsin
Governor Signs Animal Premises ID Bill to Track, Contain Animal Disease Outbreaks...more
•Governor Signs Bill to Ban Baiting and Feeding in Areas Where CWD is Present in Deer
•Governor Signs Bill to Reform Livestock Siting Regulations...more

Bill signings included a measure to Preserve Farmland and Relieve the Tax Burden on
Wisconsin Farmers

                          Buy North American Agriculture
                           We Feed The World             
                      The Agriculture Research Group ARG
Guntersville, Alabama 35976

National Guard Units that
have been in Iraq for a
year also faced with
extended time in Iraq.

This Hispanic worker lives in an old
gas station across the street from
the chicken plant where he works.

Wisconsin Emu            

Senior News

Meet Rural America

Vote on the issues

The ARG News

Why emu oil is
important for the skin

Texas Live Oak Project

Honey Bee Project

Why the honey bee is important
to the over all agricultural economy
in U.S.

The ARG Store

$10 billion worth

Mission Statement

A future ARG interview with a
small family farm. They raise,
process and market their own

Future News-- Ostrich & Emu - the other red meat -

March 5, 2004: In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the 3rd Circuit has ruled the
dairy check-off
unconstitutional under the First Amendment.

          Diabetes and Heart Disease: Overcoming the odds

                 Breast cancer on rise in U.S. men, study finds....

ARG Ag Radio

            Blood pressure/hypertension:

Citrus Produce

Texas Citrus Forecast
 U.S. Citrus Forecast