Our ever-expanding ragtag band of misfits, created solely for the fulfillment of my sadistic whims and your fleeting amusement!

If you're wondering what these mooks look like in color, click their pictures for color jobs courtesy of the über-talented Elevenbane, AKA Mari Rose, site here. These were done independently, so I might picture them slightly different, but they should give you a fair idea. So go on. Have fun. Ya mooks.


The star of our show, the main attraction, Zebra Girl (A.K.A. Sandra)! Transformed into a demon by an explosion of random magical energy, Sandra must search for her purpose in a world which would undoubtedly scorn her. Eat your heart out Stan Lee. Despite the loneliness she feels Sandra's strength of will keeps her from wallowing in self pity most of the time. She's even managed to develop a very modest sense of humor about it, as evidenced by the name of her tech-support service. Slightly hot-tempered, Sandra's favorite hobby is igniting Jack with her pyrokinetic powers.

Goal in life: To become human and get a real one.


The local pervert and proud of it, Jack fills this webcomic's quota for a hapless, goofy slacker antihero (re:Sluggy Freelance, It's Walky, Joe Average, etc.). Constantly exploring zany schemes under the classic male philosophy of "throw something to see what happens," Jack provides an element of chaos unwelcome by present company but quite useful to cartoonists. He is, more than anyone else, responsible for Sandra's condition, and though he puts forth an exterior of bravado and perverted slacharisma he feels a strong sense of guilt which drives him to try and cure her.

Goal in life: To have sex with many beautiful women free of consequence. Join the club.


One-part Kiki, one-part Cynthia. Crystal is Jack's twin sister and currently the only hope Sandra has for a best friend any time in the near future. Ever the optimist, Crystal provides a sharp and perhaps needed counterbalance to Sandra's depressed cynicism. Despite being supportive and understanding, Crystal nonetheless somehow maintains a job as a telemarketer. Eerie.

Goal in life: To spread sunshine and joy to those who may need it. How she and Jack could have possibly grown up side by side is anyone's guess.


The magic book which changed Sandra, Tomie is a mysterious and quite sentient device of unknown origins. When discovered in the attic he became mentally bonded with Jack, probably because he was the first person he'd seen in God-knows-how-long and didn't know Jack beforehand. Tomie seems straightforward and only mildly condescending, as well as intelligent. Strangely, he and Jack have formed a rather endearing friendship. Sort of a Chris and Boardy type thing. Well, exactly a Chris and Boardy type thing, I guess.

Goal in life: Currently, to score with the porno mags under Jack's bed. Okay, maybe they're not so different after all.

Professor Broadshoulders

The first real threat to Sandra from the outside world (Lord Incubus doesn't count), Professor Broadshoulders sees himself as a crusader for the righteous, a lone soldier striving to prevent others from experiencing anything like the pain he's had to live with. He's got a yucky face on his forehead. Apparently it bothered him enough to spend his life as a Dr. Van Helsing ripoff. But hey, who in their right mind would disagree with him? After all, demons are evil, right?

Goal in life: To make muffins for starving kittens. What do you think?


Mike was very sure of himself, and not without reason. Intelligent and charismatic, Mike made it his mission to discover just what it was that strange girl in the heavy coat was hiding. Whether or not his motives were purely innocent remained to be seen, at least by Sandra, who became increasingly involved with him. Where this lead was anybody's guess... except mine, of course, since I already knew.

Goal in life: To work in film?

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