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So very many moons ago I had started this website, for various reasons. At first it was a way to goof on in class and the teachers thought I was just expanding my talents.....Easily fooled, they were. Nonetheless, it developed into something much more than served as something to focus on, something to keep my attention and stop my mind from dwelling. Now while alot of people will stumble upon this website and be absolutely bored, other people will find it interesting....Something they can't look away from...almost like a train wreck...but that is neither here nor there at the moment.

The following pages, though there are only two right now (perhaps I will be adding more), will simply be the ramblings of my mind....At times.. Diarrhea of the mouth/mind....stunning visual huh?

If something isn't working or could use work, please feel free to drop me a line.
