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Spiritual Healing.

Spiritual Healing is a complimentary therapy, intended to be used in conjunction
with orthodox medecine. It does not replace it. In modern society it is 
widely recognised that stress, overwork and unexpressed anger are just three
of many contributory causes for a range of medical conditions. Symptoms of 
disease can be the result of some deep,  spiritual disorder whilst lifestyle
can also be the root cause of bad health. The body, mind and soul are of course
inextricably linked. Actually the word "healing" is from the Anglo-Saxon word 
"healan" which denotes both the physical and spiritual parts of the body.

Spiritual Healing comes from a Divine Source, a universal power which transcends 
all religions. This energy seems to know no bounds and can travel anywhere in
the world in the blink of an eye. In the physical world electricity and other 
forms of energy such as microwaves are harnessed to allow people to connect to
each other and communicate over tremendous distances instantaneously.
Spiritual Energy is not dissimilar. It uses the power of thought waves and
the Earth`s natural energy pathways to create a psychic link between the 
healer and the sick person and the effects can be incredible.

By visiting the HEALING ROOM FOYER and preparing yourself for an on-line 
Spiritual Healing session you can harness the power of Positive Thought and
Divine Energy to help heal yourself at any time of the day or night.