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what the hell is this monstrosity?
what... you expected more? this is fucking fabulous!

well well well... i have decided that since i began this website oh, let's see... six years ago or so, that i need to do a 100% total revamping of this site!

so as of today, 2/27/05, i have decided to vow that AT SOME POINT (post wedding, honeymoon, other life, etc...) i will completely redo this website! yay! but as for now... high school and college are things of the distant past - and so are the former ramblings of this page!

I also have created a blog, so go check that out! i actually put some effort into that so far! you can view it at BLOG TAG CITY to see it for yourself!

keep an eye out for new updates and occurences, because they will so be worth it! in the meantime, start listening to the monsters in the morning on real radio 104.1, which is also broadcast live on satelite radio, XM channel 152 nationwide! hehe, just some food for thought (plug, plug)!