The Darkness That Is Me!!
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The Darkness That Is Me!!


  • Nirvana <--------------- Heavier Than Heaven

  • Slipknot <-------------- If your 555 then I'm 666! Whats It like to be a HEREITC!!

  • Korn <------------------ Look and see I feel the parents hating me!!!!

  • Papa Roach <----------- She loves me not!!

    This is deffinately under construction. If you got any comments or sugjestions just Go fuck yourself. Other than that Hi!!

    Gotta give a shout out to eveyone up in holiday!Whats it all for? Tour bus, Studio, and The fans. Whats it all for? Chicks wit whips and 20 inch rims. Whats it all for? To feed my family and my friends. BUT NOT IN THAT ORDER!!!!!


  • El-Dog~ Eat a dick cock sucker!!!!
  • Bill~ We've been through so much man so I don't know where to start. Your one of my best friends and I'll never forget what you've done for me. All i ask is that you let me return the favor some day!!
  • Aj~ Come see us once in a while You parinoid bitch!!!!!
  • Pudgey~ You fucking left man.
  • Josh~ You a crazy mother fucker, your like my exact equal I never know weather to hate you or love ya man. You've helped me with alot of shit, stood up for me when you souldn't have, stood next to me when things didn't look so good. And need I say more Faithful Tuesday & No more speeding in Holiday!!!!
  • Rachael~ You fucking tramp I honestly don't have a clue where to start off with you. I mean really $101.37 is all it takes for you to give up your best friend YOU'LL EVER FUCKING HAVE. I feel sorry for you and the people you come in contact with for the rest of you miserabe life! And stop telling your lil cousins to baby sit me cuz all your doing is pissing me off even more. To the hooker I'd wish I never met, Bad luck and the Devils blessings!!!!
  • Missy~ Good luck in life! Your going to need it!!!!!
  • Stephanie~ Hey babe love ya!!
  • NAZI~ Come see me soon I live by you now!!!! Well sort of!!!!
  • Jared~ ~slink~ The original slinky. Man your my brother you know that I'm here for you any time you need me!!!!
  • Daph~ It's been one hell of a year wouldn't you say? Your my girl and i love you to death even if we can't ever get married!!!! LOL!!
  • Darbz~ Some parts of my life I realize you need to just through in the towel. Your one of those aspects of my life. I'll always love you, but all I got now is memorys!!!!
  • To all the people that want to run there mouths about me, go ahead you'll get yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some Of My All Time Favorite Songs!!

  • Wait and Bleed
  • I've felt the hate rise up in me...
  • Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
  • I wander over where you can't see...
  • Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
  • Goodbye! I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
  • Everything is 3D blasphemy
  • My eyes are red and gold,
  • the hair is standing straight up
  • This is not the way I pictured me
  • I can't control my shakes
  • How the hell did I get here?
  • Something about this, so very wrong...
  • I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
  • Is it a dream or a memory?
  • I've felt the hate rise up in me...
  • Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
  • I wander over where you can't see...
  • Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
  • Get outta my head cuz I don't need this Why I didn't I see this?
  • I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate
  • I have sinned by just Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
  • I've felt the hate rise up in me...
  • Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
  • I wander over where you can't see...
  • Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
  • Goodbye! You haven't learned a thing
  • I haven't changed a thing
  • My flesh was in my bones
  • The pain was always free
  • I've felt the hate rise up in me...
  • Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
  • I wander out where you can't see...
  • Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
  • And it waits for you!

    This song is about a guy that keeps having repetitive white and black dreams of himself dreaming that he is laying in a tub full of his own blood. But one day he wakes up and he sees his dream is reality and he tries to go back to sleep thinking it is all a dream. So basically he "Waits and Bleeds"

  • Mudshovel

  • You take away
  • I feel the same

  • You take away
  • I feel the same
  • All the promises you made to me you made in vain
  • I lost myself inside your tainted smile again

  • Cause you can feel my ANGER
  • You can feel my pain
  • You can feel my torment
  • Driving me insane
  • I can't fight these feelings they will bring you pain
  • You can't take away
  • Make me whole again

  • I feel betrayed
  • Stuck in your ways
  • And you rip me apart
  • With the brutal things you say
  • I can't deal with shit anymore
  • I just look away

  • Cause you can feel my ANGER
  • You can feel my pain
  • You can feel my torment
  • Driving me insane
  • I can't fight these feelings they bring only pain
  • You can't take away
  • Make me whole again

  • Mudshovel

  • You take away
  • I feel the same
  • All these promises
  • You promised only pain
  • If you take away
  • And leave me with nothing again

  • 'Cause you can feel my ANGER
  • You can feel my pain
  • You can feel my torment
  • Driving me insane
  • I can't fight these feelings they will bring you pain
  • You can't take away
  • Make me whole again

  • You will feel my anger
  • You will feel my pain
  • You will feel my torment
  • Driving you insane
  • I can't fight these feelings they will bring you pain
  • You won't take away
  • I'll be whole again

  • By: Staind

  • Pardon Me
  • A decade ago, I never thought I would be, at twenty three, on the verge of spontaneous combustion.
  • Woe-is-me.
  • But I guess that it comes with the territory; an ominous landscape of never ending calamity.
  • I need you to hear, I need you to see that I have had all I can take and exploding seems like a definite possibility to me.

  • So pardon me while I burst into flames.
  • I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games.
  • So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame. Pardon me, pardon me....I'll never be the same.
  • Not two days ago, I was having a look in a book and I saw a picture of a guy fried up above his knees.
  • I said, "I can relate," cause' lately I've been thinking of combustication as a welcomed vacation from the burdens of the planet earth.
  • Like gravity, hypocrisy, and the perils of being in 3-D...and thinking so much differently.
  • So pardon me while I burst into flames.
  • I've had enough of the world and it's people's mindless games.
  • So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame. Pardon me, pardon me....I'll never be the same.

  • Outside
  • When You Bring me to my knee.
  • And all this time that i can beg you please.
  • And all these times that I've felt insecure.
  • And I leave my burdens at the door.

  • I'm on the outside
  • I'm looking in
  • I can see through you,
  • see your true colors.
  • 'cause inside you're ugly.
  • Your ugly like me.
  • I can see through you
  • see to the real you.

  • And all this time
  • that i felt like this won't end,
  • was for you.
  • And I taste
  • but i could never have,
  • its from you.
  •  And all this time that i tried,
  • my intention, Full of pride
  • And i waste more time than anyone.

  • I'm on the outside,
  • I'm lookin' in,
  • I can see through you,
  • see your true colors,
  • 'Cause inside your ugly,
  • your ugly like me
  • I can see through you
  • see to the real you.

  • All the times that I've cried,
  • all this wasted it's all inside
  • and i feel all this pain
  • Stuffed it down it's back again
  • and i lie here in bed
  • all alone i can't mend
  • and i feel tomorrow will be okay

  • I'm on the Outside
  • I'm lookin' in,
  • I can see through you
  • see your true colors
  • 'Cause inside your ugly
  • your ugly like me
  • I can see through you
  • see to the real you

  • Nothing makes me laugh any more,
  • Nothing makes me smile.
  • Everything is made to infuriate me,
  • Everything is made for my punishment.
  • You were made you step all over my heart,
  • You were made to tare it apart.
  • Heaven was made to mock me,
  • Hell was made for me to call it home.
  • Anger was made for me to express myself,
  • Rage was made so I could show my hate for every one.
  • I'm the pinical of self doubt.

  • Work like you don't need the money.
  • Dance like nobody is watching.
  • Love like you've never been hurt.

  • Bitches don't mean shit to me anymore
  • I have taken my blows I'm still standin'

    Gotta give my shout out to my peeps in Boardman!!!!

  • Sause ~ Budda!!!! I'm home!!!!

    !!!!??MEMORYS OF CAMP??!!!!

  • Me, El-dog, Hobac, and Brad~ Faithfull tuesday! Billys Bottle of Bacardi started a mass of trouble, blood, and drunk driving. A Day full of fun, day of just the boys at camp.

  • Everyone except Billy~ Pudgeys party at his moms land. What started out as one night of us all looking for a party turned in to a mass of drinking and drugs. We met cousin Pete. It all ended up with Hobac driving us all home(of course he was trashed), but so were the rest of us. A night of fun in the middle of no where. LETS DO IT AGAIN!!

  • Car bash was pretty fun. We weren't trashed but we got to beat the shit out of a car. This is a pic of Hoe, Chipper, and me. Hoe is the one running, Chipper is talking to me on the side of the picture!!!!

  • Pudgeys Party Part 2~ Everyone was there this year even more people than last year. One big plus was the was an acoustic guitar there and we were all singing around the fire. Once again it was a mass of drinking and drugs. This time Hobac didn't drive us home, well atleast not me. The best night of my life!! Thanks Everyone!!!!
  • There are so many more but, I'm going blank here so if anyone can help me please do!!

  • R.I.P. The list is too long!!!
  • Shaun William Summerville! SPIC~NASTY !We love you bro. AFNF!!
  • Kevin Chaney
  • Brian A. Shaffer ~We miss you bro! Never forgotten! Drop us a line sometime!!