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Part Six: By Citizen Nancy

By: Citizen "Don't eat the purple m&m" Nancy

That night back in Tippy’s apartment, Metty was awakened by the sound of a rumbling in the closet.

She reached over and shook Linds.

"Wha!" She moaned.

"Did you hear something?" Metty asked.

"No." Linds said.

The noise came again.

"That noise!" Metty said.

"Oh, that’s my stomach." Linds said as she got up and went to the fridge.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting food!"

"Why? Something could be moving in there." Metty asked as she joined Linds.

"What is that?"

"Granola, whats it look like?"

"Looks like something my cat threw up." Metty moaned."

“You're great for someone’s appetite, you know." Linds groaned.

"We have no time for that." Metty said. "We gotta wake the others."

"There’s always time for granola. I think that’s why you can't sleep, you're not regular." Linds observed.

"Shouldn't we see what the noise is?" Metty asked.

"The noise is gone, forget it. See you in the morning." Linds said, spooning the last of the gunk. "Night."

"Night." Metty said as her friend went to bed. Metty couldn’t help but slink down next to Connie and Tiff. After a fretful minute she went to sleep.

Morning Nancy was the first one to get up.

She wandered around the house, came back into the bedroom and yawned as she gazed at her bed mate.

Tippy was curled up in bed with her pillow muttering something. If Nancy could listen hard enough she could hear the word Peter several times.

"I have no idea what that girls dreaming about." She thought.

"Nevermind, I don't want to know,”Nancy laughed to herself as she walked out the door and went down the stairs. The morning air would be good for her, she thought.

She opened the door and went out onto the beach air.

The last day or so had been weird.

Every time Micky was around her it was like someone knocked all the air out of her.

Nancy always had such a thing for him.

She even thought that at times Micky could see her as she looked at his pictures on album covers and web sites. But, now the real thing was looking at her, and that would put anyone out!

Nancy sighed as she walked along the beach. A stupid eighties song was suddenly stuck in her mind.

Out of impulse, she started to dance a little on the sand.

"Hey Micky you’re so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Micky!" she sang, strutting along, feeling a little silly in her oversized shirt. But, she didn’t care. She kinda envisioned herself like Tom cruise in Risky Business.

"Oh Micky what a pity you don't understand, you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand."

Nancy then started to hum a little bit. For a song she had stuck in her head, she forgot all the lyrics.

"Hey Micky," she said now doing a bouncy cheering move.

"Hey what," she heard.

Nancy froze in position.

"Oh my god," she squealed.

Turning around, she saw Micky.

"Hey Micky," she squeaked.

"Yea, you said that," Micky said.

"Oh man," Nancy said, feeling a little woozy.

"Oh no, you are not passing out on me again," Micky said, catching her before she could take a plunge toward the soft sand.

"One of these days I might be offended," he joked.

"Babba baaa boo," Nancy stuttered as Micky’s brown eyes gazed at her, concerned.

"Are you all right," Micky asked as he steadied her.

"I'm fine," Nancy said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a sentence," Micky proudly proclaimed.

"You're very funny."

"Thanks," Micky smiled. "What are you doing out here?"

"Other than acting like a first class boob," Nancy asked. "I couldn’t sleep."

"Me neither," Micky said. "I saw a beautiful woman out here and thought I would talk to her."

"Wow," Nancy said. "Did you find her?"

He nodded. "She was doing a weird cheerleading routine. Jumping around."

He smiled. "I thought it was cute."

"Eighties song. One hit wonder," Nancy shrugged.

"Sorry, I'm a media geek. If I was such a fan of yours I should have been able to sing one of your songs."

"Whats your fave song, I mean sung by me," He asked.

"Saturdays child," Nancy answered."But I'm out of luck"


"I'm Sunday’s child. I would make a good wife but I want to be a bride,"Nancy snorted.

"Do you want to get married someday," Micky asked.

"I'm a writer. Most of my ideas about weddings end up with the bride taking off or the wedding not happening. If that doesn’t show you how I feel about weddings then I don't know what will!"

"I think when you want it to happen it will," Micky nodded.

"Hey the fair is today," Nancy said.

"That's right. We ought to wake the others up," Micky said.

He subconsciously grabbed Nancy’s hand and ran to the house.

Jean and Desy were up, while Tippy made an effort to look alive.

"Wow, unsleepy jean," Micky cracked.

Davy handed him a coffee.

"Oohhh Nancy and Micky, sitting on the beach..." Jean sang.

"Shut up Jean," Nancy said blushing from head to toe.

"Hee hee," Jean chuckled. "Our girl, she’s so shy."

Jean walked to the bathroom and opened the door. She walked in, then she quickly ran out.

"Oh my god!"

"What," Desy came alive.

"I just saw one of the guys naked," Jean exclaimed.

"Who was it," Tippy asked, coming alive.

"It wasnt Peter was it," Nancywondered.

"Yeah," Desy said. "Tippy would scalp you if it was."

Jean looked horrifably at Tippy. "I wish it was Peter. I won't say the name, but by process of elimation, there was him and a green hat....I saynomore."

Desy did an awesome spittake with a mouthfull of coffee. "Mike," she sputtered.

Micky handed Nancy an umbrella.

"Thanks," Nancy said.

"Just don't open it." Davy advised.

Jean turned white again. "I gotta go," she said and bolted for the door.

Peter came out of his room at the same time. He looked at the girls."Did I miss something," Peter he asked.

Mike came out of the bathroom with his hat pulled down over his face. He must have had five robes on. He moved so quickly it was a miracle anyone saw him.

"Okay..." Peter said. "I gotta a feeling we're better off not knowing."

"I know I am." Nancy agreed.

Meanwhile in the "real" world...

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