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Part Two: By Sleepy Jean

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Mike sat tuning his guitar and listening to Desy.

Peter was saying something to Tippy, who was staring at him with a large grin on her face. He didn't seem to mind.

Jean sighed. "You probably think I'm crazy," she said, glancing at Davy, who sat next to her on the step.

"Well, it is a bit o' a stretch, but you wouldn't lie to me, would you, luv?" Davy smiled.

Jean blushed. "No, of course not...I can't believe its really you!"

Davy chuckled. "Its me. You haven't told me your name yet, by the way."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Jean," she replied, noticing that she was wearing typical 1967 attire.

Davy grinned and started humming "Daydream Believer".

Just then Micky and Rose came back.

Davy stood and looked in their direction. Jean followed suit.

"Uh, Jean?" Davy said, looking at her.

"Yes?" Jean said, looking back at Davy.

She suddenly realized that she was about three inches taller than he was.

"Oh!" Micky laughed. "It happens more often than you'd think, babe."

"What's going on?" Jean asked Rose.

"Well, we don't know how we're going to get back," Rose answered, sitting at the kitchen table.

She noticed that Micky had done a pretty good job of cleaning up.

"Go back?" Jean said, her heart sinking. "I didn't even think of that. I guess we would have to go, though."

"Yep," Desy nodded, secretly dreading it herself. "We have to be rational."

"What do we do in the meantime, though?" Tippy wondered, prying her attention from her beloved Petrov for a minute.

"Why not come to the Vincent Van Go Go with us tonight? We've got a gig there, and we'd like it if y'all came," Mike said, playing a few chords from "Papa Gene's Blues".

Micky looked at the girls. "You will come, won't you?"

"Gladly!" Rose and Jean exclaimed. They giggled. Tippy joined in the laughter.

"Shall I pull out the nametags?" Desy said with a chuckle, causing another wave of laughter from the other girls.

"Nametags?" Peter asked, confused.

"Inside joke," Tippy explained.

"Well, if we're going to be on time we'd better get going," Mike told the group. "Hey, Mick...Will you go check on the girl that fainted?"

"That's Nancy, and I don't think sending Micky would be such a good idea," Jean laughed. "I'll go check on her."

She went into the bedroom with Davy at her heels.

Rose, Desy and Tippy helped the other guys pack up their instruments.

"Nan?" Jean said, leaning over her friend. Nancy opened her eyes.

"I had the most awesome dream, Jean!" she exclaimed.

Then she noticed Davy. "Oh my goodness!"

"Its not a dream, Nancy. We're here! Come on, get up. We're going to the Vincent Van Go Go. The guys have a gig there tonight and they've invited us to come along," Jean smiled.

"Where'd you get those clothes?" Nancy questioned after she got over her excitement.

"Well, it appears that its the same as your Time Gadget fic. When we come here, we get the clothes. Pretty groovy, huh?" Jean answered, pointing to Nancy's clothing.

"Awesome!" Nancy exclaimed.

"We'd bettah get out there before Mike gets upset, girls. He hates it when we're late," Davy told them.

"We know," Nancy replied. "Is Micky out there?"

"He sure is," Davy answered.

He jumped away as Nancy bolted for the door.

"Don't faint again, Nancy!" Jean called.

"You're one to talk, Sleepy Jean!" Nancy called back over her shoulder.

Jean chuckled and followed Davy out the door.

They all headed for the Monkeemobile.

Meanwhile, in the land of reality...

"Where could they be?" Connie questioned. The four were getting nervous. "That's a good question. We've searched the whole place and they aren't anywhere to be found," Metty replied.

"You don't think that they..." Tiff glanced at the robot and shuddered.

"Don't even think like that!" Linds cried.

"I wonder how this thing got here," Metty said curiously, looking at the robot.

"Whoever put it here is probably still close by," Tiff pointed out.

"Whoever or whatever," Connie added.

The male and female aliens exchanged glances. "These humans are going to be tougher to handle than we thought," the female said.

The Vincent Van Go Go...

The guys got onstage and picked up their instruments.

They began with "I'm A Beleiver".

The girls sat in awe, unable to speak and barely breathing.

After a brief consultation with the others, Davy began "Daydream Believer". Rose nudged Jean.

"This is better than any real life concert!" Jean breathed.

"By far!" Tippy agreed.

The others nodded.

"I want to dance," Jean said as they began "Last Train To Clarksville".

"Go for it," Desy replied. "I'll sit here and head bang." She grinned.

Jean laughed and pulled the others up. "C'mon. Let's boogie!"

After the show, the group sat around a table talking about various things.

"The show was great!" Nancy smiled.

"Definitely!" Rose nodded.

"I loved it!" Tippy exclaimed.

"Me too. It was sooooo good!" Desy agreed.

"Thanks," Peter said. Mike and Micky beamed.

"What did you think, Jean?" Micky questioned. "Jean? Woo-hoo? She's gone."

Tippy kicked Jean slightly. Mike hit Davy in the back of his head.

"What? Oh! The show was ultra groovy!" Jean said, snapping back to the present.

"Don't do that," Davy chided Mike.

"Well, stop making goo-goo eyes at Jean," Peter told him.

Jean blushed.

"What are we going to do about a place to stay tonight?" Desy questioned.

"Well, you can stay at our Pad tonight," Mike suggested. The girls exchanged excited glances.

"Wait," Tippy said. "How will we arrange everyone?"

"You girls can have the downstairs room and we'll stay in the upstairs room," Micky answered.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan to me," Jean smiled.

"Let us get our money and we'll go," Mike said, standing.

"We'll have to stop by and get some food first," Micky told him, glancing at Rose. Rose smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"We'll help pay," Jean insisted. "Fortunately, the clothes fairy thought to put some cash in our new pockets."

"A woman after my own heart," Micky grinned. Jean smiled at him.

"Let's go to the car. Here comes Mike," Davy said quickly, grabbing Jean's hand and leading her to the door.

They all went out and crammed into the Monkeemobile.

Once in the downstairs room for the night, the girls talked about their day.

"I'll bet Metty and the others are worried sick over us," Rose said.

"That's the only downside to this," Jean nodded, leaning back on her pillow.

Nancy and Tippy had the bed. The others were on the floor.

"What about the fact that we may never see home again?" Desy asked.

Jean considered. "Well, I'd miss it terribly, but you've gotta admit that this is way too cool!"

"It is, but I know we have to go home," Nancy sighed.

The girls heard eight thumps on the ceiling.

Tippy laughed. "They took off their boots."

The others joined in her laughter.

"How would we go about getting back?" Jean asked seriously. "I mean, it is such a fluke that we're even here! We don't have a time traveling van or a remote control thingie."

"Well, we'll really have to do some thinking," Nancy said, smiling at the reference to her fic.

"Sorry. Thinking isn't my station," Jean said with a grin.

"Well, as the sudious one..." Rose began with a smile.

"Maybe you and Micky can whip some sort of concoction up with his chemistry set," Desy suggested.

"I don't know..." Rose said.

"We probably ought to find a place for the time being. We can't impose on the guys," Jean pointed out.

"She has a point. How about if we do that tomorrow?" Nancy said.

"Okay, I guess. How much money do we have between us?" Tippy asked.

The group counted the money. "Not too much," Rose sighed. "We may have stay here."

"Fine by me," Jean replied. "We'll talk to the guys tomorrow, I guess. Maybe Tippy could convince Petrov." Jean grinned.

Tippy blushed and shook her hair.

"Or maybe you could concince Davy!" she said, raising an eyebrow and laughing.

"Let's get some rest, ladies," Jean yawned after making a face at Tippy. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep, but we should try."

The others agreed. "We'll figure something out soon, I hope. I really miss my hat!" Desy said. Everyone giggled. "I will miss this place though," she added, looking around the room before she turned out the light.

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