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Part Sixteen: By Nancy

"Wanna go for a walk?" Micky asked. "As long as we're here we might as well look touristy."

"Great, idea." Peter said.

"You girls wanna come?" Micky asked. "Nance?"

"I think I'll stay." Nancy said.

"Me too." Tippy said cocking an eye at Nancy. Nancy looked at her.


"You remember that part in the breakfast club where claire makes over alison?" She asked.

"Yeah." Nancy said. "I've seen that movie umpteen times." She thought for a second. "Oh please don't tell me I look as awful as Ally Sheedy did in that movie."

"You are nowhere that bad. Trust me." Tippy said. "But since we have some time on our hands, I thought we would have some fun. Slumber party fun, sorta, without the actual party and boys panty raids."

"I was actually kinda looking forward to that..." Nancy said with a sad look on her face. "What are we doing?"

"I'm gonan give you a makeover. Get you looking nice." Tippy said. "Wouldnt you like that?"

"Okay." Nancy said, while imagining Micky's reaction to the new her. "If you make me look like Heidi, I'm not talking to you again. And that would be long plane ride home."

"Deal." Tippy laughed. "Let's go."

Minutes later

Micky and Peter walked along a river bend.

"This is a nice looking place." Peter said.

"It'd be even better if we were here voluntarily." Micky said, "I wonder how the guys are."

"Probably pretty ok." Peter said. "Tippys in a great mood since she found out we can actually get home. How are you and Nancy?"

"We're great." Micky said. "That reminds me of a song."

"One of ours?" Peter asked.

"I think so." Micky said. "I don't know why,but its been sticking in my head, I think since I met Nancy."

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"I've been standing on the corner all day. Tryin' to think of little things to say, 'Cause she walks by ev'ry day about this time, And I can't, I can't get her off of my mind." Micky sang.

Peter joined him, remembering the song. "I only met her 'bout a week ago. But the way she smiled let me know
She could see that maybe we were two of a kind.
And I can't, I can't get her off of my mind."

They linked arms and started to walk down the street in a sort of improvised Monkee walk.

"She's so pretty I couldn't believe. She'd ever look my way, But the way I'm feeling...I'm gonna be stealing
That little girl's heart today."

Micky let go of Peter at the street corner. "I'm so happy I could almost fly." He flapped his arms. "And I guess you know the reason why, I'm walkin' down the street with her little hand in mine. And I don't think
I'll ever get her off of my mind."

Peter sang again. "She's so pretty I couldn't believe, She'd ever look my way.But the way I'm feeling I'm gonna be stealing
That little girl's heart today."

Micky and Peter went into the middle of the road, they twirled around.

"I'm so happy I could almost fly
And I guess you know the reason why, I'm walkin' down the street with her little hand in mine. And I don't think I'll ever get her off of my mind. And I don't think I'll ever get her off of my mind. And I don't think I'll ever get her off of my mind. And I don't think I'll ever get her off of my mind."

"That was great." Micky said. A guy walked by and threw a quarter at his feet. "Hmm." Micky said picking it up.

"Speaking of songs in your head, I have too." Peter said. "Really unexplainable."

"What is it?" Micky asked.

"It goes a do do do a dah dah dah, thats all I got to say to you..." Peter said and shrugged.

"Oh." Micky said. "Let's go back home."

"Sure." Peter said. They turned and went home.

"Great." Micky said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Now I've got that song in my mind." Micky said giving Peter a playful punch. "Thanks a lot!"

A random store

"I don't know about this." Nancy said to Tippy as they went into a store. "None of these clothes are really me."

"How do you know?" Tippy said. "I say you don't know until you try."

They looked for a few minutes. Nancy started to get discouraged.

"They never have these clothes in my size." Nancy moaned as they looked. "All the larger sizes are always sold out."

"No problem. Let me help you. Colors! Styles! All kinds of stuff. Here's a dress that would be prefect for you." Tippy said giving Nancy a blue satin number.

"Okay, you are either possessed by Cher or Martha Stewart. Either way I'm getting you a priest when we get home." Nancy held the outfit up to herself in a mirror. It a blue satin dress, it went down to her knees. "This is kinda not bad."

"Go try it on." Tippy said. "I'll find a hairdresser to give you a new do."

Nancy ducked into a dressing room. She quickly changed. She stood in front of the mirror. The dress didnt seem complete somehow.

"I'm back!" Nancy heard Tippys sing sing voice through the store. "I found a hair place. It's not exactly Vidal Sassoon, but it will do."

"Great." Nancy said poking her head past the changing room area. "Do you want to see the dress?"

"Let me see." Tippy bounced on the balls of her feet. "Okay." Nancy said hesitantly. She walked out of the changing room area. She turned a little. "Is it all right?"

"You look great!" Tippy said coming over. She pulled down the back a little bit. "Now all we gotta do is do your hair and a little makeup..."

"Oh I hate makeup." Nancy said. "Just a little, I promise you wont look like Mimi on Drew Carey." Tippy said. Nancy was still uncertain. "It'll make the package complete." She smiled at her.

"Okay." Nancy said. "But it comes off later, alright?"

"Alright." Tippy said. "Let's get going."

The real world

Metty and the girls gathered around the robot. Nick was gone.

"We could do more for it." Linds said.

"Like what?" Metty asked.

"We could hook it to a clapper." Linds smiled. The others glared at her. "What?"

The machine jerked a little. A song came out of the back. It started to move.

"Whats it doing?" Tiffany asked.

"Dancing, I think." Metty answered. "I think Linds dances like this."

"HA ha." Linds said. "So whats the song?"

"I know it. It's dancing maching by the Jackson Five." Alex said. "We must have put a Jackson song in there by accident when we inserted the tubes."

"Can we stop it?" Tiffany asked.

"No such luck, I think its on continued play." Metty said investigating.

"Great, so what do we do?" Linds asked.

"Wait till it winds down again." Metty said. "It will stop playing the song once it needs to recharge its batteries."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Tiffany said.

"Eat." Alex said. "I made a Quiche!"

Over the river and through the woods to Germany we go...

Nancy sat in a beauty salon chair. She was getting her hair cut. Tippy sat in a chair in the waiting area trying to make heads or tail of a magazine. After a few minutes of trying to decipher the german words herself, she decided to just look at the pictures.

"How long will this take?" Nancy asked Tippy.

"Why?" Tippy asked. "You just got started!"

"It feels longer." She said. "I don't want to be a complainer. I think I'm just anxious. I wanna know what Micky thinks of the new me."

"He'd be crazy not to love it." Tippy said. "You need something to distract your mind."

"For me that isnt hard." Nancy said. "Sing the first song that comes to your mind." Tippy advised.

"This part is starting to feel like a musical." Nancy said. "No doubt Micky and Peter are off singing somewhere." Nancy shook her head. "I can't do it."

"Life is a cabaret." Tippy sang. The hairdreser looked at her. "Ok, I'll knock it off." Tippy turned her attention to Nancy. "Desy sings in the shower." She offered. "Ok I don't really know that, but she has no radio in her bathroom."

"What do I sing?" Nancy asked. "I know."

"Please, don't let this feeling end ,It's everything I am,Everything I want to be, I can see what's mine now Finding out what's true, Since I found you, Looking through the eyes of love"

The hairdresser brought her to the hairdryers. Tippy sat next to her.

"Now, I can take the time, I can see my life, As it comes up shining now"

The hairdresser and Tippy put there hands on Nancys chair and spun her around. It stopped. Nancy rose out of her chair and joined the duo. They waved their hands together, side to side.

"Reaching out to touch you, I can feel so much
Since I found you ,Looking through the eyes of love."

The hairdresser brought Nancy her dress. Nancy had slipped into a robe to have her hair done. Nancy danced behind a changing curtain with her dress. She continued to sing she changed.

"And now, I do believe, That even in a storm we'll find some light Knowing you're beside me, I'm all right, Please, don't let this feeling end."

Nancy came around the corner all dressed. Her hair was not touched or mussed up by pulling the dress over her head. The hairdresser did soem quick makeup on her. She vanished after Tippy paid. Tippy came to her side with a smile on her face. Nancy quietly finished the song as they left the salon.

"It might not come again, And I want to remember
How it feels to touch you, How I feel so much
Since I found you, Looking through the eyes of love."

"Are you ready to see Micky now?" Tippy asked.

"Ready, and raring to go." Nancy smiled.

Micky and Peter arrived back at what was there home for the time being. There was a note.

"Doing girl things." Micky read the note aloud. "Nice knowing they're having fun."

"Especially since all the weirdness. It'd be good for Nancy to cut loose a little bit." Peter said.

"I wonder what they're doing." Micky said. "Matter of fact I wonder what the others are doing."

On to Part Seventeen!
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