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A Sabbat is one of the eight major seasonal festivals which make up the Wheel of the Year. These include the solstices (also known as Greater Sabbats) and equinoxes (also known as Lesser Sabbats).
Sabbats are a time for celebration and reflection and each Sabbat has it's own theme, meaning and role within the Witches Wheel of the Year and within their lives.

Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) - 31st October
(Samhain's true date is November 1st)
Popularly known as Halloween or All Hallows Eve, Samhain is a magical night and the Witches New Year. It is also the third and final harvest so a time to give thanks for all we have. It is also a night to remember those who have passed on, to honour them and think of them and to also stop and think about the future and the year to come.

Yule - 21st December Also known as the Winter Solstice, it is the shortest day of the year. This Sabbat shows a great importance in the Wheel Of The Year as the Sun symbolically dies and then is reborn again. It is a time to honour the Goddess as the Mother for the birth of the Sun.

Imbolc - 2nd February Imbolc brings us the time of year when spring is starting to creep upon us with its sunny days and beautiful nature sprouting up. It signifies the start of the farming season which of Witches in history (perhaps not so much in this day and age which is a shame!) was of great importance.

Ostara - Approx 21st March Also called Eostre, Ostara is a joyous celebration based on the theme of fertility, rebirth, reawakening and growth as spring is finally here and nature blooms. Eggs (like in the holiday of Easter which is also celebrated by Christians around this time) play an important role with festival activities as they are a sign of fertility and birth.

Beltane - Approx 1st May Also known as May Day or The Fire Festival, Beltane is the celebration of the marriage between the Goddess and the God. Beltane is the main festival of fertility in the Wheel Of the Year and also marks the fact that Summer will soon be on its way. Beltane is named after the Sun God Bel.

Litha - Approx 21st June Also known as Summer Solstice or Midsummer. Litha is the time when the day is at its longest and the light fills the earth with power and nature. It is a celebration of the Summer, power and passion.

Lammas - Approx 1st August Also known as Lughnasadh. Lammas is the first harvest of the year and is the "feast of fruits". Lammas reminds us that Autumn is on its way and we need to take stock of our what we need for the future or what we could give up in the future to make our lives bright.

Mabon (pronounced May-bon) - Approx - 21st September Also known as Harvest Home, Mabon is celebrated on the Autumn Equinox and is the second harvest of the year. It is a time to welcome the coming winter and all the winter seasons gifts as well as thanksgiving for all that we have.