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Renaissance 3000, connected together by imposing skyways redefines architecture in the blend of the finest lifestyle of the antiquities and the comforts and conveniences of ultra-modern 1st century setting.  A lasting monolith to man's quest for nobility and perfection representing architecture at its finest and noblest.

The Renaissance 3000 reflects the Roman monumental sense or "Maniera Grande".  The residential towers offer the awesome view of the only 16,000 square meter garden, the Bramante Piazza.  A tri-level garden with placid nature-scape surrounding the amenities for tennis, swimming, golf putting, gym and Clubhouse.  Inspired by the great Italian Renaissance architect Donato Bramante, it reflects his genius for space and fine proportions and vivid expressions of integrity, strength and the classical heroic spirit.


  • 30 luxurious floors
  • Grand Main Lobby
  • Swimming Pool
  • Spa with Sun deck
  • Locker and shower rooms
  • Elevator access at the parking floors
  • Modern High speed elevators
  • Parking space for tenants and visitors
  • Driver's lounge and quarters
  • Security monitors in all public areas and elevators
  • Back-up central laundry / drying area
  • Centralized garbage disposal / collection room
  • Sewage treatment plant
  • Generators for power interruptions provide power to 2 high-speed elevators, public access and common areas, exit signage, and major auxiliaries
  • Water pumps
  • Sewage treatment pumps
  • Kitchen exhaust fans
  • Entry and kitchen lights
  • 2 electric outlets for living / dining areas
  • Electric outlet for refrigerator
  • Satellite TVRO / MATV System
  • Complete fire detection and alarm system
  • Computerized Emergency Alert System (fire, security, and medical services)
  • Building Management Auxiliary System for operation, control and monitor of: electronic fire detection and alarm with emergency voice communicator, evacuation system, emergency power monitoring, video entry phone with emergency alert, CCTV Security Surveillance monitors, and car paging system
  • Elevator Supervisory and Control System
  • Stair Supervisory and Control System
  • Spacious living and dining areas
  • Spacious Master Bedroom with Bathtub
  • Spacious Bedrooms with Toilet and Bath (for 3-bedroom units)
  • Kitchen counters
  • Powder Rooms
  • Cable TV System
  • Provision for individual window-type airconditioners
  • Provision for 2 direct telephone line airconditioners
  • 110 and 220 volt electrical outlets
  • Fire Sprinkler System
  • Utility Room
  • Smoke / heat detectors
  • Hot and Cold Water
  • Individual Maid's Room with Toilet & Bath
  • Wood Parquet floors for Living / Dining Areas
  • Toilet & Bath with Ceramic tiles and Marble countertops
  • Vigan and Ceramic floor tiles for kitchen areas
  • Cornices and baseboards will be installed where available

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