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Selphie's 'lil Corner

Hi to everybody who knows me! If you don't...well, hi anyways! This is just a little place that i wanted to put up all my sketches and photos from San Diego Comic-Con. Anything else is unimportant at the moment.

I go by Selphie lately at the message boards of my favorite site, CrossGen comics. I also like to chat there, too. They're my favorite company, and all the fans are really nice. Awesome people all around.

As for me, i love comics, books, tv, and i work in a library. I plan to be a librarian one day (YAY! Libraries are cool!) umm...i think that's it..

If ya wanna get in touch with me, my new address is . I don't answer quickly, but don't get worried. I'm just a lazy bum like that. I'm also on ICQ (#2790923) and on AIM under Ivy Guardian. Anyways, see ya'll later.

Here are my photos!! *waving*

Here are some sketches! And here, as well.

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