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Final Fantasy Heaven
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Welcome to the Neo-Gold Saucer!

Welcome to the Gold Saucer, an amusement park built over a desert, the Las Vegas of Final Fantasy 7. The Neo-Gold Saucer is a replica of the Gold Saucer, because some people at already have Gold Saucer sites, so I want to make it different. You'll find pictures, midis, (because mp3s take too much space) character profiles, walkthroughs, weapon and materia lists, and much, much, more. I've got some updates posted, so read them if you want... And don't forget to send me an e-mail or sign my guestbook!
Welcome to the world of Final Fantasy VII... Prepare to explore a world of black destruction- and unimaginable beauty. Wander through dripping sewers, abandoned towns, and ancient forests. Bustling cities stand high above the slums they have created on a plate supported by pillars, forever shunning the poverty and ruination from view. Despite the yet untouched breathtaking splendor on the outskirts of the planet or the candy colored, plastic facade of the Las Vegas style commerce center, this is a world without hope of tomorrow. The mega-conglomerate Shinra, Inc. has stranglehold over the planet's natural resources through their Mako Reactors, which permanently leach the essential life-force from the land. A few rebel groups have been formed to fight these sinister forces. The most powerful of these groups, AVALANCHE, includes some of the strongest, cleverest and most passionate fighters the world has seen, all of whom have lost something of personal value to the evil corporation or perhaps have suffered even greater indignities. With the addition of their newest member, Cloud Strife, a former Shinra SOLDIER, AVALANCHE may just be primed to win back control of the world.
Prepare for terrorism, cross dressing, a train graveyard, a city sized amusement park, fortune telling, animal racing, stealing, snow boarding, and the fight of Cloud's life, which will take you deep inside the planet. You will travel to the bitterest frozen tundra, an exotic island resort, an ancient forest, a village made of giant bones, numerous caves, and Cloud's hometown. Don't fret if you start hearing voices in your head, Cloud suffers from partial amnesia as a result of a horrible event in his past. Cloud is searching for his childhood hero, the legendary Sephiroth, who seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet.
Character profiles, materia, limit breaks, and weapons.
World map, and items.
Emerald and Ruby Weapon, walkthroughs, unlocking secret characters, and how to date certain characters at the Gold Saucer.
Art Gallery, fan art, and Final Fantasy 7 Symptoms.
Chocobo breeding, chocobo nuts, and chocobo racing.
midis, news and updates, quizzlets, One-Winged Angel lyrics, and fanfics.
All about myself.
If there are any broken links, notify me.
Meet my gold chocobo!

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Gold Saucer Entrance

Cait Sith at the Chocobo Square Entrance

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