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A Journey Into The Ancient Craft...

I Hope Someday You Will Join Us
And The World,
Will Live As One..

John Lennon

Painted By Cheyannah

This site is going to be going under some serious changes in the near future, my journey down the Wiccan Path is coming to an end. I feel I have gone as far as I can and I need to find balance in my faith, I need to explore new horizons. My journey will now go down the Pagan Path.

To go directly to my Pagan Path Site,

Enter Here...
(coming Soon!!)
**Not For Teens & Newbies**

For Teenagers & Newbies To The Craft...

I decided I will just expand the site as I learn and experience new things as I start down the Pagan Path, I feel it is important for all newbies to the Craft to start within the structure of Wicca, under the guidence of Gardner, Buckland & Cunnigham. especially Silver RavenWolf. I have studied under these Witches for 28 years, and for someone who feels they are different then their upbringing, and are confused about this, I would rather see you start with a good old fashion Scott Cunnigham book on Solitary Wicca.
I feel it is important for my Teens to stay on the Wiccan Path, you need to be in the structure of rules at your age with anything that you do and learn. Gerald Gardner the Father of Wicca, brought Wicca into exsistence in the 50's, he set the guidelines and the rules of Wicca. I want you to learn as I have, to walk down the path of Wicca until you reach a point in your life to move on to something different, or say with Wicca, there is nothing wrong or right about Wicca, it gives you the power to be what you choose to be, that is the beauty of being a Witch, no matter what kind of Witch you are, Pagan, Wiccan, or neither, it's up to you and you alone. But until you get to that point, and have gained knowledge and some wisdom, I want you to stay here and trust in my guidence to get you off the ground in the right direction. These are the two most basic and the most important laws you will live by ...

The Wiccan Rede
Do As You Wilt, Just Harm None

The Law of Three
What You Send Out Negative or Positive Energy It Will Come Back To You Three Fold

we believe and see the balance in all of nature, The Masculine and the feminine, dark and light,
Wicca is not just a Religion, it is a way of life! It is the way we treat others,
the way we treat nature, and of course the way we treat ourselfs.
To be a true Witch, it comes from your soul, to live in peace
with others and nature but mostly to live at peace within yourself!

The Goddess Aradia ...

Queen of The Witches...
Painted by Cheyannah

About Cheyannah...

Hand Painted By Cheyannah

Self Dedication Ritual...

Hand Painted by Cheyannah

Hand Painted by Cheyannah


Moon Magick...

A Natural Witch...

Hand Painted By Cheyannah

Visit my other web sites! All the Paintings on this web site are available at iart,
if you need a great gift fror all types of occasions, visit
My Kensigton Crystals Collection site, I picked out some beautiful pieces for my collection,
if there is a special piece you want that is not listed, e-mail me and I'll see if the company has it,
there are many pieces.

Please Join
The Goddess Sacred Space For
I have started a support group for witches with depression & addictions,
or if your a witch that just wants to meet other witches! You Will Find Some Wonderful Ladies Here!
A Safe Haven For Witches To Meet And Talk Freely.
You will be welcomed with open arms, click onto our picture to enter our group...
"In Perfect Love & Perfect Trust"...

Hand Painted By Cheyannah

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