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How To Meditate

Find a quiet place - free of distractions. This can be indoors. Indoors - you may want to adjust lighting, room temperature - create ambiance with candles, crystals, incense, or anything else that sets the mood. Outdoors meditations might include a beach or meadow - anywhere in nature that is quiet and serene. You may play music or meditate quietly. You can meditate alone or with a group. Meditations can be long or short - usually there are no time restrictions. Meditations can be guided by another person or by an audio tape - or you can just relax and close your eyes. Before you begin - you may want to keep a paper and writing implement near you - so you can quickly record what you see or hear after the meditation. You can also use a tape recorder to that end. Please remember to make a notation of the date of the meditation. Be sure that your phones are off - mobile/cell or land line. Now you are ready to begin. Loosen clothing - remove eyeglasses - footwear - any restrictive garment. Sit down or lie down. Find a position that is comfortable for you. Inhale slowly through your nose. Hold the breath as is comfortable for you. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat two more times or as is comfortable for you. Relax your body- Starting with your neck, head, jaw, shoulders, arms, back, and legs. Proceed with chosen meditation. Places to go while meditating: - meet your power or totem animal - meet or travel with your spirit guides - meet ascended masters or angels - meet a deceased loved one - view a past or future life - view a parallel reality - another planet or dimension - out to the cosmos

Visualization in healing is used to break up blockages, tumors, heal wounds, and deal with emotional problems. Begin by identifying the nature of the problem.Then psychically see the area of disease or blockage breaking up on all of the levels of the body--the physical, astral, emotional, mental, and etheric. This has to be repeated until the problem is alleviated. It can take days, weeks or months. It depends on the patient's readiness to heal. Visual healing can be used as often as you like. Visualization in Healing