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This site is just a way for me to share the poems,

literature, pictures and drawings i keep to remind me

of the times of joy, sorrow, anger, and boredom in my life.

This is just a small glimpse into my life and times.

The drawings page is not full yet.

I only have a small amount of the drawings I have on the page at this time.

I have some new poems up as well.

Keep checking and Ill get them up here soon

Last updated 09 - 07 - 10.

Insert some witty thing to say here.

Insert something else to say here as well.

Onto the content of the page below.






Ebay Auction pics

The works here span a time from my

early teenage years to my late twenties.

Each and every thing here has a special meaning to me.

I hope you enjoyed looking upon them as i did creating them.

If you have anything of your own

you would like to post on this page I'd love to add it for you.

Just email it to me.

Feel free to use anything here as you wish.

All I ask is that you give me and my site credit for their origin.

-James Tinch

I plan on making kind of a bio of my life.

I wish to show where my life has brought me from, where I am currently,

and where life may take me in the future.

I hope you enjoyed what you saw.

Facebook Page

Check it out. Drop me a line and let me know what you think.

The back ground music is "The death of Optimus Prime" from Transformers the movie. I dont know who converted it to Midi format, but thanks.