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The Best game on N64...

Banjo-Tooie is an excellent game. It's got great characters and courses.

It takes place two years after Banjo and Kazooie defeated Gruntilda and trapped her beneath a boulder. Grunty's sister's help her escape, so Banjo and Kazooie set off on another adventure.

When Banjo and Kazooie set off on their first adventure back in 1998, Nintendo Power gave the game The highest rating it had ever given a game (at the time.) Everybody was excited about it and it was the #1 video game. People compared it to Super Mario 64, because it was the closest game.

In 2000 Nintendo and Rare finished Banjo-Tooie and critics were really impressed. This game was way better than Banjo-Kazooie, and yet Banjo-Kazooie was way better than any other game.

When you beat Banjo-Kazooie Grunty will say, "You just wait until Banjo-Tooie." When you beat Banjo-Tooie Grunty says, "You just wait until Banjo-Threeie." But Rare has no plans of making Banjo-Threeie.

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