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Thank you for your interest in Sponsoring the suffering Dogs in the Public Shelters in Romania.

This Site is to bring awareness to the American People and give them a chance to do something so important, something so worth while! I feel so wonderful to be a multy Sponsor, to know those Dogs that I Sponsor would still be in the Hell Shelter, but because of my sponsoring they are out of the Shelter, they went to a Vet, and are now in a safe Foster Home while a Family to Adopt them is found. Sponsoring the Dogs is so important, nothing can be done to help these Dogs unless someone sponsors them, they are stuck in these horrific Shelters (more on the conditions of these Shelters later) with no hope of being saved. Because the Dogs can't be taken out of the Shelters unless there is a comitted Sponsor for them. Here in the States we are limited in the help we can offer, and I wanted to do more then just networking the Dogs. Since I can't adopt or foster them here, I started to learn about what Sponsoring was all about! It's the first important step in giving these suffering, lonely, Dogs that have given up, a second chance to have a happy life, and know what it feels like to have a Family to love, and trust, and for the first time in most cases they can feel the love and trust of a Human. Please like the Face Book Page for this Web~Site, the Dogs in need of sponsoring will be posted there as well as updates on the Dogs taken out of the Shelters, information on Shelters, and a place you can meet others who sponsor the Dogs.

The Dogs there were brought to my attention by one photo posted about this Dog to the right, he was in a town called Galati, Romania, there was something about this Dog and the unforgetable look in his eyes, like he was begging me to help him, to save him, for someone to love him... So that is how I started helping the Dogs in Romania. But another reason is the wonderful people I have met, I was taught a valuable lesson about just how far the corruption reaches in that Country, and how the Money that is sent goes in the pockets from the top, all the way down to the Shelter Managers, even down to the Volunteers that claim to want to help the Dogs. I trusted the wrong people in the beginning and lost money, but as with anything bad, something good does come from anything bad if you look hard enough to find it. I met a wonderful Friend who dedicates her life to saving the Public Shelter Dogs of Romania and other Countries, she showed me the ins and outs of saving these Dogs by getting them out of the Shelters.

This is written by a Romanian Woman named Anda Popescu, this is from a passage in her Blog, and it describes just how awful it is to be a Stray Dog born to the Streets in Romania...
"There is nothing human in the Romanian version of "euthanasia". Dogs are being murdered every day, all over Romania, in most horrific ways: they are poisoned, shot, beaten to death, injected with gasoline into their hearts and lungs, cast-off from buildings, run down on highways, hanged, electrocuted, throne in hot pitch, crippled, left in woods to die of hunger. Romanian authorities know about all these actions, but they ignore it. There is no justice for the unwanted. And even if a stray dog is “lucky” enough to be ignored and left to live its life on the street, he is the victim of the silent death and misery. People’s indifference is as bad as their violence, because it prolongs and perpetuates their suffering endlessly. From the instant that they are born unwanted, their lives take the wrong turn and they find themselves, innocent, in a life sentence. I could never get past the heartbreak of seeing puppies die horrible, painful deaths without any fault. They come into this world so innocent, full of love and for the only purpose of making us, their best friends, happy; yet, from their very first day on earth, we betray them by allowing them to be born unwanted and then suffer tremendously for it. I have heard a puppy’s death cry a few times in my life and I can’t think of anything worse: it is the cry of the most selfless animal killed by our indifference and selfish nature. A stray’s life in Romania is never easy, but they never complain about it until it is too late. Even when close to their end, their tails are always wagging, a sign that they are still our best friends, even if unrecognizable by a life of suffering. Sometimes, through their miserable life, all they ask for is a kind word, a gentle touch on their head, the feeling that they are not worthless. Don’t deny them as much, they may go on for days without food, but they can’t live without our love! There is a simple moral to this first story: spay or neuter your dog and spare countless others from this undeserved life of torture! As simple as that!"
Anda Popescu's Blog...
Witness of the silent suffering: A stray's life in Romania

Why I am trying to bring Sponsoring Shelter Dogs in Romania to the American People. It is such a rewarding feeling, knowing that the Dog or Dogs that you are Sponsoring would never have had any chance of being taken out of the filthy Shelter, with Urine, and Feces covered floors, no ventalation system, little to no Windows, no electric period. Can you just think of how these Shelters must have smelt like? Especially during the Summer Months! They are lucky to eat on a daily bases, and when they do get food it's just tossed onto those Urine & feces covered Floors, no clean drinking Water given on a daily bases either! Thanks to you and your compassion for these suffering Dogs covered in fleas & Ticks, most sick, some may have broken bones, whatever way you look at it the ALL need Medical Care! But thanks to you "YOUR DOG" is free of that Hellish existence and on his way for Medical Care, and then a safe and loving Foster Home, or Private Shelter. Where your Dog will stay until we find a Family to adopt him. Your generosity gave him a chance to live a whole new Life!!! He would have had no other way out of the Shelter without you Sponsoring him.

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