Only Free Items

This is the guild battle that we are planing. We will have four teams that will compete to beat the wizards. The team that wins gets their position moved up in the guild. The team leader that wins get's an item worth 3000 NP and up. Leaders will be chosen by the activness in the guild. Hope you like it!

The Battle for Neopia

Where else can you find a guild where the faerie Queen rules the battles between the wizards and warriors? A day when
the fight between good and evil will break out in neopia will be a day of tradgedy, massive destruction, and powerful heroes.
Soon Neopia will be full of rebels, mutants, and overtakers. Or will it? The faerie Queen will
grant abilities to the warrior who can most likely stop the wizzards. Is it you?
I hope so, because if you fail, all of Neopia may be lost in ruins. Who else will be left to help the faeries battle the wizards?
This is your chance. The chance to be known as the greatest warrior in all of Neopia. You will be loved by many,
and given great abilities only the greatest warrior could posses . . . are you ready?

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