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Alil about Me

Well god damn it what do u want to know? Ok my true loves are art, music,and horror. I adore morbid art and Goth Rock, Punk Rock ( some ska some oi, and some hardcore),metal, dark classical, I love 80's music. I do art,i was in the Titusville Art Gallery but i just had to pull out i was selling allot but i was breaking even. And i will soon have more art on this site. Um.. Horror movies are my hobbie. Nothing is better than Gore.I think guys with Tattoos and holes in there face are Hot. I am a Cosmetologist and i am working at a lil hole in the wall salon in fucking WAL-mart i know how retarded is that im so ashamed, considering where i did work before, a great salon in Melbourne called InTrospection salon. But what i really want to do is be a Horror FX make up. working on that, anything dealing with theater or film im all about it. Id like to be a Tattooist some day but thats on the back obsessed with the 1920's so if u see alot of that on here thats why. lets see what else...Im single, I love my friends,I wont name them cuz if i forget one all hell will break lose so ill play it safe. any way more to come, if u have any questions feel free to email me

Ta Ta

This is me

My Favorite Movie