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Welcome to Scarlett II....

Roe v Wade

I had no room left on The last page. So,I decided to make another one for the last part of 2000 and beginning of 2001!

Zoo page

Inspirational page

Tis me!

Scarlett's 2000-2001 page!

Scarlett's 2002-2003 page!

***OUR PETS***

This is our dog when she was a puppy...her name is Chyna.

This is my lazy pig...NO,not my husband...LOL!

People Against Social Service Discrimination

Check out my ebay stuff!!!

Help President Bush stop the ignorance in this coutry!

~.~.~.UPDATE ON MOI.~.~.~

I am currently 28 weeks pregnant.I went into labor about a week ago at work and they had to stop it at the hospital.No worries turns out I was dehydrated so they ran an IV in me to soften;-) me up
In the fall I am going to Forsyth Tech to get a degree in Political Science...YES!A degree in kissing ass and fucking people over!LOL!What a concept!
January 9th,2001
I am in my 32nd week of pregnancy and LES MISERABLES!!!!!!I can't get up out of a chair without having a contraction!I am contracting frequently now and EXTREMELY ready to have Miss Tayce in my I am not worrying one bit!My last day of work is February 22nd and I plan on going back as soon as doctors say it is okay.I think I am in the "nesting" part of my pregnancy now...because the house is spotless(more-so than usual) and I am getting everything ready for the baby:-DI have a webcam for those of you who want to see a big belly....go ahead and email me and I will give you access to my cam:-D

***UPDATE Feb 12th,2001***

find your inner PIE @

38th week Well,false alarm this morning.Went to L&D and they stopped the contractions.Doctor is inducing next week.....and I am ready to get this show on the road with BELLS ON!A word of caution to pregnant women out careful who you talk to about pregnancy and whatnot...someone from a well respected site tried to recommend something to induce my labor....after doing some research I discovered that this drug has harmful side effects including death of baby and mother!Be careful who you talk to on the internet!There are some real psychos out there!

jenny mccarthy

Your Inner Blonde is Jenny McCarthy

Sure you're hot, but the only guys you seem to attract are twelve year old nose pickers.
Maybe you'll make a comeback, but you've got to lay off the bodily functions.

Who's *Your* Inner Dumb Blonde? Click Here to Find Out!
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

February 25th,2001
BEING INDUCED Tuesday!!!!!I can't wait:-DI will post birth story and pictures when I get a chance.Looks like this baby isn't going to be a March baby after all:-DWISH ME LUCK!!!!!!



My email is at the bottom of the me a favor...tell me something good. it just me?Or is Aaron talking to his little friend down there?! LOL!

discover what candy you are @

***TODAY IS***
