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Welcome to 1960.

Welcome to  a classy joint where proper attire is required and a two-drink minimum is strictly enforced.

Two Fat Pigs, A Place on the Web is for information about cooking and entertaining.  We'll provide some recipes (Italian cuisine is our thing), and tell you how to plan a menu.  We'll explain how to shop efficiently for the ingredients you'll need and give you information about how to create a theme for your entertaining. We'll share tips on how to select a wine.  And finally, we'll show you how to serve a meal with style and flair and have a real ring-a-ding time doing it (that part is up to you).

Though recipes are Italian, liking Italian cuisine isn't a condition of enjoying the Two Fat Pigs way. If your culinary tastes run in another direction, our links will point you to sites where you'll find the recipes for every cuisine imaginable. 

Two Fat Pigs also has the coolest music recommendations and some pretty decent books.

What Two Fat Pigs is about is knowing that you don't have to be a trained chef at a fancy restaurant or with your very own TV show to prepare a terrific meal and serve it with style.  

Two Fat Pigs aren't about providing thousands of recipes. There are lots of sites on the web and thousands of cookbooks ready to provide you with millions of recipes. Who wants to reinvent the wheel ? You will find some recipes here, done in the inimitable Two Fat Pigs way, but that's not what this site is all about.  

Two Fat Pigs shows you how to put together a meal that has style, charm, class, and most of all, is fun; fun cooking, fun serving the meal and fun eating the meal. 

Celebrate life. 

Have Dinner at Our Place Take a peek... go ahead, peek up 


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Copyright © 1999-2001 Two Fat Pigs, a subsidiary of JDaz Design. The Two Fat Pigs Jitterbugging Pigs picture and the name "Two Fat Pigs" are Registered Trademarks of Two Fat Pigs. All Rights Reserved.  

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