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Undisruptable Psionics


  • All-Around Vision
  • Combat Mind
  • Danger Sense
  • Feel Light
  • Feel Sound
  • Hear Light
  • Know Direction
  • Know Location
  • Poison Sense
  • See Sound
  • Spirit Sense
  • Create Object
  • Detonate
  • Disintegrate
  • Project Force
  • Ballistic Attack
  • Animal Affinity
  • Death Field
  • Energy Containment
  • Metamorphosis
  • Shadowform
  • Absorb Disease
  • Adrenalin Control
  • Aging
  • Biofeedback
  • Body Control
  • Body Weaponry
  • Catfall
  • Cause Decay
  • Displacement
  • Double Pain
  • Ectoplasmic Form
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Expansion
  • Flesh Armor
  • Graft Weapon
  • Immovability
  • Lend Health
  • Mind Over Body
  • Reduction
  • Probability Travel
  • Summon Planar Creature
  • Teleport
  • Teleport Other
  • Dimension Walk
  • Dream Travel
  • Teleport Trigger
  • Time Shift
  • Fate Link
  • Mindlink
  • Mindwipe
  • Contact
  • Psychic Crush
  • Superior Invisibility
  • Switch Personality
  • Tower of Iron Will
  • Conceal Thoughts
  • Ego Whip
  • Id Insinuation
  • Intellect Fortress
  • Invisibility
  • Mental Barrier
  • Mind Blank
  • Mind Thrust
  • Post Hypnotic Suggestion
  • Psychic Impersonation
  • Psionic Blast
  • Thought Shield
  • Appraise
  • Aura Alteration
  • Empower
  • Split Personality
  • Ultrablast
  • Cannibalize
  • Convergence
  • Enhancement
  • Gird
  • Intensify
  • Magnify
  • Prolong
  • Receptacle
  • Splice
  • Stasis field

  • New Psionic Devotions and Sciences
    Psychometabolic Devotion

    Absorb Poison
    Power Score: Con -3
    Initial Cost: 13+
    Maintenance: Na
    Range: touch
    Prep. Time: 0
    Area: individual
    Prerequisite: none

    This power allows the psionicist to siphon a poison or venom out of another person or creatures body into their own. Once the poison has been absorbed by the Psionicist, it is up to them to find a way to filter it through their own system, as this power has no effect on the poison itself other than to transfer it from an afflicted being to the Psionicist.
    This power does restore lost hit points but only by canabalizing the Psionicists own in exchange for the psuedo-healing. In effect, the Psionicist draws the poison out of the subject and adds part of his or her own self in it's place, thus filling the void it had held within the afflicted being.
    Power Score The Poison is completely destroyed by the Psionicist's bolstered constitution. The damage is drawn away and the psionicist suffers no ill effects,(no hit point transfer, etc.).
    20 The Psionicist suffers maximum damage from the Poison immediately. If this results in death, ressurection attempts are made with a 4 point penalty.