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Acriun Law

The Laws of Acrius are designed with less concern for serving the good of the people themselves than for serving the Law itself. The letter of the Law is paramount. The common good, an afterthought. Most laws can be ignored by the Y'dren caste,(Avariel, or Winged Elves) with a few exceptions. Namely this is in the case of Y'dren perpetrating crimes against members of the lower castes. Generally such crimes against inferior beings are lost in the shuffle of paperwork, or are dismissed from court citing various reasons for their inability to be properly prosecuted.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these Laws as they are the rules under which you will live...

All citizens are required to have on their person a document which describes their name, occupation, residence, present age, race, and a general description of the owner.
There are no pictures on these identification papers. There are watermarks built into the papers which are readily indentifiable to those skilled at recognizing them. Everyone is required to yeild these documents on demand of the city guard.

All citizens are required to be gainfully employed. Failure to become employed within one month of arriving at Guada,(optionally from the date of termination from your last job) or any other city of the Kingdom will result in incarceration, forced slavery, or expulsion from the Kingdom, depending upon the ruling of the Royal Magsitrate.

All citizens are required to pay a tax of 3 gold coins per month. Taxes can either be paid at the Hall of Permits, or they may be collected by a representative of the State at the persons place of occupation or employment.

Humans and other subraces have limited rights with regard to their property. It is legal for the city guard to gain entry to a residence upon demand with no need for permit or other legal documents.

It is legal for a member of the city guard to detain any person for questioning without due cause. There is no limit to the amount of time a person may be so detained. Y'dren and even members of the Noble Houses are subject to this Law, if arrested by the proper representative of the Law.

There are three divisions of Law Enforcement within Guada and most other cities of the Empire. The first and most lowly division concerns itself solely with policing the lesser castes. They are known as the City Guard or,"G'Tyn".
There is another concerned with policing the upper caste. They are refered to as the Noble Guard or,"Y'Tyn". They are given full right to take over any case which they deem that the City Guard no longer has jurisdiction over at their own descretion and at any time they deem fitting. They, unlike members of the City Guard, may arrest any Y'dren or Noble, save those of the Royal Houses.

There is a third division concerned primarily with counter esipionage and crimes against the Empire. They are known as the Imperial Guard or "Kn'Tyn".
They reserve the right to take over any investigation at any time, for any reason, in the name of the Emperor Atelos himself. They alone have the right to arrest those of the Royal Houses, even a King or Queen.

A Fourth Group society within the Governmental structure of Acrius is the Imperial Body Guard. They are so well screen and disciplined that they are to be considered, for all purposes legal or otherwise, beyond suspicion.

Crimes and their Sentences;

Adultery; 1st offense= 3 days in Stocks. 2nd offense= As 1st offense, + divorce and forfeiture of all property and possessions.
Aiding and Abetting known Criminals of the State; 1st offense = subject suffers the penalty which the known criminal was to have been sentenced with. Someone harboring a murderer would suffer the full extent of the Law, as if they instead had performed the deed.
Armed Robbery; 1st offense, 3-18 years incarceration. 2nd offense, amputation of one hand, plus the aforementioned incarceration. 3rd offense, Death by choice of Royal Magistrate.
Arson; Death by slow burning.
Assault,(battery); 2-12 days incarceration cumulatively per offense at the criminals expense. Physically assaulting a Y’dren carries the additional sentence of daily flogging, a fine of 50 gold coins, and an additional term of incarceration of 20 days. Physically assaulting a member of the nobility brings fine of 200 gold coins, daily flogging, and an additional term of incarceration of a minimum of 6 months.
Assault,(verbal); 1-6 days incarceration cumulatively per offense at the criminals expense.
Charges of verbal assault may only be leveled by The Upper Caste,(Y’dren). Verbal assault of a member of the nobility incurs an additional 2 months minimum incarceration with daily flogging. The subject may also be subject to “Calling Out” if a point of honor was brought into question.
Debts overdue; 1-4 weeks incarceration plus a penalty of half again the owed sum with interest.
Drunk and/or Disorderly; 2-4 days in the Stocks, plus a fine of 10 gold coins per offense.
Embezzlement; 6 months minimum incarceration with a fine totaling 3 times the amount stolen. The second offense incurs a sentence 2-12 years, plus the fine as above. All subsequent offenses incur cumulative terms of incarceration.
Espionage; Torture for up to one month then Death by choice of Royal Magistrate.
Enchantment,(use thereof or possession of such magic); The offending source is confiscated by the State. The subject forfeits all propriety and possessions which are placed upon public auction or destroyed. Incarceration of 6 months minimum.
Evading Taxation; 1st offense, fine of double the due tax, and incarceration for 6 months. 2nd offense, Enslavement or Death by choice of Royal Magistrate.
Extortion; Incarceration for 3 to 12 years.
Grand Theft; For amounts of money or stolen goods totaling more than one thousand gold coins the sentence is Death by choice of Royal Magistrate.
Failure to Provide proper Indentification; 1st offense, 1 day incarceration/detention(or until properly identified), plus a fine of 10 gold coins. 2nd offense, one week incarceration plus a fine of 50 gold coins. 3rd offense, one month incarceration plus a fine of 500 gold coins, and public flogging.
Failure to Yield to an Officer of the Law; 2 days incarceration minimum, plus possibly suffering the penalty of the crime for which justice may have been obstructed.
False Witness; 1st offense, Flogging and 1-3 months incarceration. 2nd offense Blinding and Muting accompanied by 4 months minimum incarceration.
Forgery of Official Documents,(or possession thereof); 1st offense, 3 months incarceration plus a fine of 100 gold coins. 2nd offense, 6 months incarceration plus a fine of 500 gold coins. 3rd offense, 3 years incarceration plus a fine of 2,000 gold coins. The 4th offense carrys the penalty of death by beheading.
Illusion,(use thereof or possession of such magic); The offending source is confiscated by the State. The subject forfeits all propriety and possessions which are placed upon public auction or destroyed. Incarceration of 6 months minimum.
Involuntary Manslaughter; wergeld for the estimated remaining life span of the deceased.
Kidnaping; 1st offense, 1 year incarceration minimum. 2nd offense, 3 years incarceration. 3rd offense, Death by choice of Royal Magistrate.
Murder; Death by choice of Royal Magistrate,(usually by Arena).
Necromancy,(use thereof or possession of such magic); The offending source is confiscated by the State. The subject forfeits all propriety and possessions which are placed upon public auction or destroyed. Incarceration of 6 months minimum.
Pick-Pocketing and Petty Theft; If less than 10 gold coins, 4-16 days incarceration per offense. If 10 to 100 gold coins,(or if the victim is Y’dren) 6 month incarceration for a 1st offense. 2nd offense amputation of a finger per 10 gold pieces, or choice of the victim in the case of Y’dren victims. 3rd offense, Incarceration for one year and amputation of the offending hand plus branding and blinding.
Piracy; Death by choice of Royal Magistrate,(usually by Arena or boiling oil).
Possession of Controlled Substances,(poison and/or illegal drugs); 1st offense, four days incarceration. 2nd offense, 1 month incareceration and three days in the stocks. 3rd offense, 1 years incarceration and a fine of 200 gold coins. 4th offense, Death by choice of the Royal Magistrate.
Possession or sale of Stolen Goods; Three months incarceration minimum.
Rape; Castration, then Death by choice of Royal Magistrate, (usually by slow dismemberment). This includes statutory rape and child molestation of course.
Resisting Arrest; Double the punishment which fits the original crime.
Slaving,(without a permit); 1 month incarceration and a fine of 100 gold coins per slave taken unlawfully.
Theft; If the total theft was 100 gold coins or more in value, amputation of the offending arm, branding, and incarceration for 1 year, plus one year per one hundred gold coins stolen, up to 1,000.
Unlawful Weapons Possession It is against Acriun Law for Humans or other sub-races to possess weapons with a proper permit. Only members of the Mercenaries Guild and a few wealthy citizens of the lower castes are able to gain permits for blades larger than a knife.
1st offense, 1 day incarceration, confiscation of the weapon, plus a fine of 10 gold coins. 2nd offense, one week incarceration, confiscation of the weapon, plus a fine of 50 gold coins. 3rd offense, one month incarceration, confiscation of the weapon, and a fine of 100 gold coins. 4th offense, one year incarceration, confiscation of the weapon, and a fine of 500 gold coins.
Unlawful Prayer; The offender shall be incarcerated for 1-6 weeks. All related paraphernalia, artifacts, and documents related to the offesive subject will be confiscated and destroyed. Any property used for a place of assembly with the intent of unlawful worship shall be forfieted to the State and placed for public auction. Terms of sentence shall be cumulative for repeat offenses.
Unreasonable Usury; 1 day in the Stocks and a fine of 200 gold coins per offense.

Death Sentences by Choice of the Royal Magistrate;(Though not an exhaustive list)...
  • Acid Bath
  • Banishment to a Lower Plane
  • Beheading
  • Boiling in Oil
  • Death by Arena
  • Dismemberment
  • Drawn and Quartered
  • Impalement
  • Pressing
  • Slow Drowning
  • Slow Hanging
  • Slow Roasting
  • Slow Torture
  • Starvation
  • Stoning
  • Laws;

    Imperial Implied Guilt Act;

    By Order of his Imperial Majesty, Atelos, it is declared that if a person or persons resist arrest, the Act of Defiance of the Law or it’s Servants shall, in and of itself alone, serve to prove the guilt of the Offender beyond a shadow of doubt. Said person's waive their right to trial automatically upon resisting proper arrest.