Pet Gambian/African Giant Pouched Rats


Giant Pouched Rats make great pets! Also referred to as the Gambian or African Giant Pouched Rat, this animal looks like a larger fancy rat. They are becoming quite popular in captivity.


Many people are afraid of rats because of the dirty myths. Obviously, a rat is not going to attack you unless you corner it. Many myths about rats are plain lies. Thats right, lies.

Are they common pets?

They are becoming popular, but may not be legal to own in very area. They are great for people who like rats, but would enjoy having a larger pet about the size of a small house cat or large rabbit.


These animal are larger then regular rats, meaning the more work! You must clean the cage once or twice a week, and clean the "mess" around it. You have to give your giant pouched rat food and water everyday. The food is more expensive then regular fancy rat food. They need bedding of course, so you will need to buy a new pack every one-two months or so. There are not many vets that treat Giant Pouched Rats, but please make sure you know of one. Some zoo vets will also treat exotic pets. Please make sure you can afford this animal before deciding on it.

They make great pets for older children, as long as children understand that their pet needs to be taken out for exercise everyday for at least an hour.

Gambian Giant Pouched Rats can play very roughly with their teeth. Make sure you play gently so you don't have to experience this behavior.

Social?/Other Animals

You can keep your giant pouched rats in pairs , but for beginners, a single rat will do. If bonded at an early age, giant pouched rats can get along well with fancy rats . However, always supervise playtime between them.

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