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Monday July 2nd 2001:
Right now I don't have too much extra time, well I mean I have got enough. I just have a lot of work I need to do for my english course, I really shouldn't slack. Anyways I am basically just doing a little bit each day. Yesterday I put one old poem up, today I added another. Feel privledged if you read them. You are among the few that have, I don't usually let people read my work. I'm paranoid, because my works isn't exactly happy stuff. So yeah, that is where I stand on my updating. Again and Life are up if you want to read. That is all. If you want your link on my page or have an idea for the page. Email me, criticism is welcome

My writings

My Live Journal

One final thought: I'd just like to say to all those who know me, Speaking of cows, which nobody was.........