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What Season are We on Now Any way?

Okay, so I must admit I have been a little behind in keeping up with the latest season. I figured I should probably do something before before another new season starts...I guess I am somewhat jaded, especially since Zoom has seemingly given up having a token fat kid on every year. Not to mention that Caroline NEVER goes away. But, life must go on I suppose. I am far too lazy to go back and edit any of the other pages, so there are going to be some multiple cast members on the site. It's okay though, because for some reason everyone around here seems to adore Caroline, Aline, and all the other cast members I have come to loathe. So relax, sit back, and enjoy this season's cast.

Shing Ying ate a ring ding and then hit a triangle that went ping ping...

Seriously, what the heck is up with this girl?!?! I hesitate to say this, but she almost disgusts me as much as Caroline. She's like a walking, talking bobble head doll. She talks, and talks, and TALKS all while shifting and shaking her head all over the place. It makes me extremely dizzy watching her, and, since I am prone to motion sickness, I have grown quite nauseated by the sight of her on several occassions. A word of caution too. It is probably best to remain at least five feet away from those pigtails at all times, considering how she flips them about like they're lethal weapons. Someone should also tell Shing Ding-dong to lay off the cigarettes. The girl's what? Maybe twelve years old max., and she already sounds like she's been nursing a pack a day habit for ten years. Oh, and while I am ranting, Shingy CHEATS at Zoom games. HELLO???? What would ever possess you to cheat while you're trying to make someone laugh all while acting like a pig? Just sayin' is all... Go away!! Far far away, and never come back!


I figured I would put the two people I loathe the most on one page. I believe it was Niel Diamond who sang "Sweet Caroline." I would like it if someone "Beat Caroline." Apparently someone already did though. That girl is butter. Age was not kind to her. Caroline looks like someone came along and beat her face in with a brick. Ouch! She also has enough hardware in her mouth to intercept several satellite signals and broadcast radio stations within a 12 mile radius. Okay, enough Carowhine bashing. Let's see. Well... Since she's so old homely right now, Zoom gives her a lot less air time (hooray!) And, let's not forget my favorite tidbit... she's GONE after this season. It's about dang time. See? Every cloud does have a silver lining.