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Images of Ireland

(left)This group of extremely talented youth were playing traditional Irish folk tunes on the streets of Dublin. I later saw them on a Nickelodeon special!(above)While this isn't in Ireland, I had nowhere else to put it, as it was taken during a quick stop in
Wales. This is Conwy Castle. In a fit of castle passion, I climbed every single turret there! But let me tell you...the views were incredible! I would have gladly set up residence there, but I believe it would have been a hair drafty in the winter.
(right)Conway Castle was built in a mere four and a half years by King Edward the I between the years of 1283-1287. It has been called one of the greatest fortresses of Medieval Europe. This is my favorite shot of the castle, taken from the top of one of the turrets. You can really see here how massive the structure is, and imagine how grand it once was. The large walled-off room to the left is the great hall, and to the right are the kitchens and stables.

(above)Here is perhaps one of the most beautiful places in all of Ireland-the beach at Ennistyon. It was so wild, free, and utterly amazing there. As we were leaving, our conductor pointed out a beautiful sight--sea lions playing their games in the blue waters. I am positively certain that if you were to comb the beach this very day, you would find a piece of my heart lying there amidst the sea foam and shells.

(left)This was another favorite place in Ireland-Blarney Castle. We didn't even get to kiss the Blarney stone, but it was still amazing. What was most wonderful to me were the grounds around the castle. This was a place were mysterious druids had performed their rituals, and where faeries supposedly lived. The forests surrounding the castle were deep and primeval, looking as though they'd come off the page of a fairy tale.

Let your friendly neighborhood leprechuan lead you home! More pics coming soon!

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