Truely Tastless Jokes+ 2

We're back! And even better, this time we are just giving you animations + all the jokes! Talk about a great day, the other won't be updated and kept as an archive! These are all new! NEW! NEW! NEW! HELPER'S OFFICIAL SITE IS BACK!


What two things are great to ride until your friends sees you on them?

Fat Women and Mopeds.

What does Angelina Jolie use as deoderant?


Why do men wish women were more like hockey games?

Because hockey games have only 20-minute periods.

What's the perfect gift to a man who has everything?


Did you hear about the new horror movie?

Diana Ross does the dishes.

What does Diana Ross make for dinner?


What did Barbra Striesand say when asked how many people it takes to change a light bulb?

"None, Dahling, I'll sit in the dark........"

What do you call a gay milkman?

A dairy queen.

What was Jim Baker's 3 miracles?

1.He cured a Ham.

2.He walked under water.

3.He made a lame man blind.

Why can't Drew Barrymore use a vibrator?

She chipped her teeth.

What's green and slimey and smells like Mrs. Piggy?

Kermit's finger.


What does Dumbo use for a tampon?

A sheep.

What do Picasso and Princess Anne have in common?

They both had blue periods.

What has eighteen legs and two tits?

The Supreme Court.

Why did god invent booze?

So Camryn Manhiem would have a chance to get laid too.

Put something here for browsers that don't use Java.

From Chris Lowell's point of view, why did God create women?

Because sheep can't cook.

Think about this..... "This country was founded by Slave owners who wanted to be free." -George Carlin.

A doctor was walking down the hospital corridor when the nurse stopped him. "You have a thermometer stuck in your ear." She said.

"Damn it! Some asshole stole my pen!"


What do you get when you cross Boy George & Prince


Why doesn't Madonna like Bannanas?

No zipper.

What has Whiskers and Scratches at glass?

Garfield in a microwave.

Why did Tarzan and Jane break up?

Tarzan couldn't stop swinging.

What do you call a thief in Iran?


Where does Peter Pan eat?


Why did Morley Safer's wife divorce him?

It was 60 minutes on TV and 60 seconds in bed.

"Dad, I need money for the prom to buy a new dress." Sandra walks in, telling her dad.

"Sure, just give me a blow job." He says.

So 20 minutes later she's giving him a blow job and she says "Daddy this tastes funny."

"Well, your brother needed a new tuqseto."

How do all racist jokes start?

Look to the left and then the right

Why do fags play the piano?

They suck on organs

How can you tell if lesbians are twins?

They lick alike.

How can you tell if your kid is gay?

He names his teddy bear "Bruce".

How can you tell your kid is gay?

Give him a bannana and he sits on it.

Why do fags smoke cigars?
