Pizza Hut Pan Pizza-found at


1 1/3 cups warm water

1/4 cup non-fat dry milk

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 cups flour

1 tablespoon sugar

1 pk. dry yeast

2 tbls. vegetable oil (for dough)

9 oz. vegetable oil (3 oz. per pan)

Butter flavored Pam

Put yeast, sugar, salt, and dry milk in a large (2 qt) bowl. Add water and stir to mix well. Allow to sit for 2 minutes. Add oil and stir again. Add flour and stir until dough forms and flour is absorbed. Turn out onto a flat surface and knead for about 10 minutes.

Divide dough into 3 balls. In three 9" cake pans, put 3 oz. of oil in each making sure it is spread evenly. Using a rolling pin, roll out each dough ball to about a 9" circle. Place in cake pans. Spray the outer edge of dough with Pam. Cover with a plate. Place in a warm area and allow to rise for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.


1 eight ounce can tomato sauce

1 tsp. dry oregano

1/2 tsp. marjoram

1/2 tsp. basil

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

combine and let sit for one hour.

For each nine inch pizza:

1) Preheat oven to 475.


For the true Pizza Hut Pan Pizza Experience, you should build your pizza this way:

1) Sauce

2) 1 1/2 oz. mozzarella cheese

3) any meat toppings

4) vegetables-Any vegetables should always go on top, b/c if they are placed on the bottom, they have a tendency to make the crust soggy

5) 3 oz. mozzarella cheese


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