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Try mIRC 5.82 or Give MollmIRC that I found a try.Both I've set to go to SexTracker.

mIRC Downloads & mIRC add-ons

MIRC 5.82.exe (plain mirc 5.82)
MollmIRC.exe (mirc with a few add-ons for the ladies)
WinAmp.exe (you'll need this on your computer to play mp3's)
awaysys2000FE.exe (my awaysystem)
TrollBane.mrc (Message Blocker)
MrTricks.exe (Has Some real good pops & tricks)
Gotillmp3.exe (you need this or txplay60 in your script to listen to mp3's in chat)
txplay60.mrc (this is the other mp3 player for chat either one are good)

DownLoad The Winamp if you dont have a mp3 player on your computer..Then try txplay60 or gotillamp3 for your script..If you need help adding the txplay or gotillamp3 to your script.You can find me @ sextracker in #mirchelp.

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