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Joe Spann's Live
Musical History

1978 Joined Doug and Jerry Green's bluegrass band, met Len Walls, began doing studio session work.
1979 Joined Boggy Creek Bluegrass in June, began performing at area bluegrass festivals.
1980 Produced banjo album in February, continued working with Boggy Creek Bluegrass at area bluegrass festivals through summer. Joined staff band at Auburndale Opry House in the fall.
1981 Continued working as member of staff band at Auburndale Opry House. Produced second banjo album, recording completed, but never mixed.
1982-1983 Performed with Southern Honey doing concerts and lounges.
1984 Performed with Dizzy Rambler Band (at Skeeter's Restaurants)
1985 Played with Dizzy Rambler Band at Circus World in the summer.
1986 Did not perform - Worked for Jim Hilligoss' "Music Shop" all year.
1987- 1989 Dizzy Rambler Band at Boardwalk and Baseball for 150 weeks. Over 3,500 performances.
1990-1991 Joined "Cowboy Ron and MJ", played over 100 conventions in Orlando.
1992 Performed only 6 times that year (all with Dizzy Rambler Band.)
1993 Played with the "Bubbatones" January - August at River Ranch Resort.
1994-1995 First stint with the "River Junction Band"
1996 Performed at Crazy Legs Dance Hall with house band.
1997-1998 Second hitch with the "River Junction Band"

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