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Supreme Court

by Edward Moore





Welcome to Justice 4.1

Docket # 41-8080 filed 29 September 2100

In the matter of the United States of America, Plaintiff-Appellee vs. I.M. Somebody, Defendant - Appellant.

How do you plead? [G = guilty, N = not guilty, press F6 for nolo contender]


Please upload your defense.

>C:\My Programs\Legal\Linux Defense

Upload Complete!

Please wait for deliberation............ Complete [deliberations took 0.9 seconds]

We're sorry, you have been found Guilty As Charged. You have been sentenced to ten years in a federal penitentiary of your choice.

Would you like to appeal?


Appeal granted!

Would you like to change your plea?


Please upload your defense.

>C:\My Programs\ Legal\Linux Defense\Alpha Test\Plea Bargain

Upload Complete

Please wait for deliberation........... Complete! [deliberations took 0.03 seconds.]

We're sorry Mr. Somebody, your appeal has been denied and your conviction upheld.

Your sentence will remain unchanged.


Would you like to report a technical issue?


Please wait while we review your session's transcript............. Complete.

Sorry, no technical issues detected. If you feel this system was in error, please email technical support at

This system takes technical issues very seriously, and strives to serve each request in a prompt and efficient manner. Please remember to include your name, contact information, computer system, name and version of your legal software along with case number and any other information you believe pertinent to your request. All reports are reviewed on a first come first serve basis.

>Shift Ctrl-Alt F3

Welcome to the Plea Bargain Wizard! This wizard will assist you with your plea bargain process.

Please upload your counsel software.

>C:\My Programs\Legal\Mac-Microsoft\Good Times\Free Me Now

Upload complete.

Please wait for deliberation..................

Sorry, you have either chosen invalid software or your file is corrupt.

Please upload your counsel software.

>C:\My Program\Legal\Shareware\Mercy\Give Somebody A Break [[[Mercy ver. 9.08]]]

Would you like [R]estrained negotiation, [N]ormal negotiation, or [A]ggressive negotiation.


[[Software uploaded and engaged. Good luck.]]

While you're waiting... Our software has helped thousands get off scott free! Without your help, this program could not continue. Please consider sending a minimum of $100 for every year shaved off your sentence to all credit cards accepted.

Thank you for your generous donation. A receipt for $5,000 will be sent to the address listed on the billing statement of your credit card.

Please wait for negotiations to be complete........... Complete! [negotiations took 1.21 seconds.]

Your sentence has been negotiated to six months probation and time served.

Is this satisfactory?



Returning to Justice

Congratulations on your successful plea bargain. Your sentence is effective immediately. Do you have any other pending cases?


Thank you for using

Have a good day.

© Edward Moore, 2005
All Rights Reserved



BIO: Edward Moore is an environmental professional working in Northern California. He has had short stories published in the Berkeley Fiction Review, an upcoming anthology on long term friendships, Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine, the web site and is a frequent judge of science fairs.