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Wiccan Infomation

What is wicca

I lack any kind of skill tell you what wicca is about. It's not that I don't know, I just don't know how to express my thoughts in words very well. This and just about any other information on wicca was from Wicca Chick. She once owned the site called Wiccan Pride but It was deactivated by Yahoo. (hence why I'm at Angelfire.) She now has a fourum filled with all kinds of info and other wiccans around the world to talk to. To visit Click here. This is an article from the former site:

If you asked a many people what wicca was to them, you're likely to get a many many different answers. Why? Its cause everyone finds walks their path in Wicca differntly, so that's why there's so many different answers and opinions. Wicca is unique to each person that walks the path but to give you a basic idea... Nobody's path to Wicca is unique.

Wicca is a religion. A general idea (agreed upon by most...Its a legal religion that worships the gods, goddesses, Mother Earth and nature. Its a nature and earth based religion that respects everything around us. In short, it is an earth based and goddess worshipping religion.

One thing you must know that many believe is that we worship Satan or the devil. That's not true. not in any way do we do that, Satan is a Christian devil, it does not concern us.

But many mistaken Wicca and Witchcraft as one. But they're very different. A person that practices witchcraft is a witch. Witchcraft is part of wicca, but there's so much more than witchcraft to wicca. But if u just practice witchcraft, it doesn't mean your wiccan, it would just make you a witch. A wiccan worhips the earth, goddess, etc.

Wicca is a spiritual path. Being wiccan, we celebrate the eight sabbats of wicca which celebrates the cycles and changes of the earth. These are full moons (aka Esbats) that we also celebrate bring you closer to the the goddess. Also we respect the elements....the following picture is a pentagram of the elements of it. The elements help us in our magicks and helps us connect our energy to the purpose of the spell of ritual. The elements are also the guardian of every circle we cast.

If you think being wicca is all about magic, i can tell you you are definitely wrong. Wicca is about connecting to the earth. You can't just call yourself wiccan if you practice witchcraft. To be wiccan you must become closer to the earth. For example celebrate the Sabbats or if you see garbage on the floor pick it up and throw it away or perform rituals that bond yourslef with the goddess or earth. You have to know that wicca is an earth based religion and we strive to make the world a better place.

Wiccans also follow many laws, but the strongest of all is the "An it harm none, do as ye will" This law is basically states we cant harm anything...including ourselves!!! Theres also the Three Fold Law which follows it, it bassically says that whatever harm you do will come back three times as worse to be careful with all spells and rituals you do!

Being Wiccan is hard work, its not easy, but than again its not sooo hard. It just takes dedication (yes, you dedicate your life to the goddess) and a determined mind and a spirited, postiive person and attitude...

I can't tell you everything there is to know about Wicca, no one can, but you can learn as much as you can. There's so much more to know you can never know all.....The Human Mind is like a little sponge...we never stop learning.

Wiccan Pentagram- a symbolic sign for the wiccan religion This symbolic sign is on so many wiccan tools, chalices, altar cloths, pendants and more!!

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