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BeingTimothyRath: You ever wanna fight a dolphin?
xxrexellaxx: yep
xxrexellaxx: on land
BeingTimothyRath: On a mountaintop?
xxrexellaxx: yep
BeingTimothyRath: Yeah. So do I.
xxrexellaxx: whats going on? you going to the jrr show tommorow?
BeingTimothyRath: Not too much. Feeling blue. I heard nothing of the JRR show. When and where?
xxrexellaxx: tell me why you feel so awful.
xxrexellaxx: landslide skatepark
BeingTimothyRath: Time?
xxrexellaxx: 8
xxrexellaxx: you going?
xxrexellaxx: bring will gabala
BeingTimothyRath: I'll tell him or Megan or someone to come, they'd be my ride. Sounds good, thanks for the heads up. Working on Saturday? Will and I will probably go.
xxrexellaxx: yep on sat
xxrexellaxx: awesome we'll go to lunch
BeingTimothyRath: Sounds good, man.
xxrexellaxx: why are you so upset?
BeingTimothyRath: I'm not all that bad, it's just normal, you know? How about you?
xxrexellaxx: okay, i really miss bobby i haven't hung out with him since saturday
BeingTimothyRath: That sucks. I talked to him last night. I want to fight him in a steel cage match live on pay-per-view, but I don't think he's interested.
BeingTimothyRath: Did you hear the new Outkast yet?
xxrexellaxx: i love the new outkast!
xxrexellaxx: you talked to him online?
BeingTimothyRath: Yeah. Outkast, I think it's brilliant. I love it to death. I wrote a review for it for my site; it's the most passionate thing I ever wrote for it. Amazing record.
xxrexellaxx: i havent heard the whole thing but it must be good because its them
BeingTimothyRath: It's great. Andre's disc has like, big band Glen Miller type music, rock, pop, rap, funk, so much crazy stuff.
xxrexellaxx: woo!
BeingTimothyRath: Want a copy?
xxrexellaxx: sure!
BeingTimothyRath: Cool.
xxrexellaxx: thanks
BeingTimothyRath: Yeah.
BeingTimothyRath: Tubbs is going to start writing for the site. Heh.
xxrexellaxx: i love tubbs
BeingTimothyRath: Yeah, ditto. Excellent man there.
BeingTimothyRath: What've you been up to lately, man, keeping busy?
xxrexellaxx: read my livejournal
xxrexellaxx: thinking about stuff
BeingTimothyRath: Hm. That kinda sucks. Not everything though.
BeingTimothyRath: Glassjaw's great.
xxrexellaxx: yeah they are
xxrexellaxx: i love them
BeingTimothyRath: It's a calypso, but it's not easy, you know.
xxrexellaxx: i love that song!
BeingTimothyRath: Yeah, good stuff. Her Middle Name Was Boom and the hidden track from Everything is my favorite.
BeingTimothyRath: are my favorites.
BeingTimothyRath: Do you have Worship and Tribute?
xxrexellaxx: i ahve both
BeingTimothyRath: That's good. Quality stuff. Which one do you prefer?
xxrexellaxx: depends on my mood
xxrexellaxx: lattely worship and tribute
BeingTimothyRath: That's cool. I think I like that one better too.
BeingTimothyRath: Kind of grew out of the other one.
xxrexellaxx: hmnm
xxrexellaxx: yeha i know what you mean
xxrexellaxx: whats your number tim?
BeingTimothyRath: (586) 415-7445. That's home, I don't have a cell.
xxrexellaxx: i have no cell either heres mine 754-9124
xxrexellaxx: are you definetly going tommorow to the show?
xxrexellaxx: i think i'll drive with you if you dont mind
BeingTimothyRath: Not definitely, but I definitely want to. Heh.
BeingTimothyRath: That'd be cool. You have a working car?
xxrexellaxx: its in the shop i thought you drove
BeingTimothyRath: Oh. No. Heh, sorry.
xxrexellaxx: no its cool
BeingTimothyRath: If you really need a ride, I'll get whoever drives me to take you.
xxrexellaxx: okay
BeingTimothyRath: Alright, cool.
xxrexellaxx: i work until 7
xxrexellaxx: so maybe you guys can pick me up from work then we can get food then go to the show?
BeingTimothyRath: Sure. I just hope Will isn't working. I'll find us a ride even if he is, though.
xxrexellaxx: okay i will call you when im at work
xxrexellaxx: i work 330-700
BeingTimothyRath: Okay, cool.
xxrexellaxx: awesome
xxrexellaxx: im going to the zoo tomorrow!
BeingTimothyRath: Haha. The zoo is great.
xxrexellaxx: in the morning with my friend matt
BeingTimothyRath: That's excellent.
xxrexellaxx: i will call you when im at work i gotta go!
BeingTimothyRath: Later.
xxrexellaxx: later gater
xxrexellaxx: hasta pasta