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When & Why did ADD-Spouse begin?

ADD-Spouse was conceived in May of 1998, by Kathleen, who at that time was married to a man with severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD].
Kathleen saw the need for a Support Group that would enable the Spouses of those with ADD/ADHD to have a 'safe place' where they could come to, to share their daily lives and struggles. To be supported, gain strength and be

How Can I Join?

Instructions on how to join can be found on ADD-Spouses front page.

Is It Confidential?

ADD-Spouse does not have archives that can be accessed, therefore archived messages sent to the list can NOT be read at the Onelist Website.
Nor would ADD-Spouse EVER give out the addresses of its Members to ANYONE!
Should you not wish ADD-Spouse Mail to be delivered to your home mailbox, you can arrange to have a web-based email address. (ie:Hotmail,Angelfire etc)

How Does It All Work?

When you send an email to ADD-Spouse, it is automatically distributed to all the Members of the Group. In turn, any replies to your email, via ADD-Spouse, are also distributed to all Members.

There are often quite a few different threads (conversations) running at once, and you are welcome to add to any of these.

It is considered good 'netiquet' to introduce yourself when you first join any list, so as to give other Members a chance to get to know you.

Who "runs" ADD-Spouse?

From its inception in May of 1998, ADD-Spouse was Moderated by Kathleen.
In December of 1999, Kathleen requested that Sarah share the load, and become Co-Moderator.
In January of 2000, Kathleen made the difficult decision leave the Group for personal reasons and thus Sarah is now Moderator.

What IS a Moderator?

A Moderators job is not just to and accept/reject new membership requests.
The Moderator must also try to keep things running smoothly within the Group.
(ie: flaming/abusing other Members, or not respecting their right to have an opinion, will NOT be tolerated .....we get enough of that at home!!)


More To Come SOON!