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Acronyms. Help with speech shortcuts

Here are some of the acronyms used in either, emails within the Group, or you may come across them in a chat-room, either here or else-where.
Hope this clears up any confusion, especially for people who are new at all of this.

lol  Laughing out Loud
rofl  rolling on the floor laughing
lmao  laughing my ass off
roflmao  rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
dh dear husband (damn husband/dick-head)
xdh ex-husband
dw  dear wife
xdw ex-wife
(_._) pic of a bottom (lots of variations)
bf/gf boyfriend/girlfriend
pg pregnant
*       * emphasizes words between *
:-> evil grin
ds  dear son
ttfn  ta ta for now
tgif   thank god it's friday
tia thanks in advance
wahm  work at home Mom
wahd work at home Dad
wb welcome back 
wtg  way to go
yo years old (as in 3yo)
dd dear daughter
ss/sd step son/daughter
pimp peeing in my pants (laughing lots!)
so significant other
mil mother in law
fil father in law
bil brother in law
sil sister in law
:) or :o) or :-)  smile
:( or :o( or :o(  frown/sad
:o/  oh dear/partly sad/upset
:-P or :oÞ  poking tongues
:oÞ~  blowing a raspberry
8-)  smiley with glasses
:-o  surprized
((Emma)) is a hug (for the person in brackets)
brb  be right back
btdt  been there done that
imo  in my opinion
imho  in my humble opinion
fwiw  for what its worth
fyi  for your information
btw  by the way
afk  away from keyboard
adn  any day now
bak  back at keyboard
b4n bye for now
bbl be back later
bhopw banging head on padded walls
cu see you
cul see you later
faq frequently asked question
ga go ahead
gal get a life
*g* grinning
*eg* evil grin
*gdr* grinning, ducking, and running
gmta great minds think alike
icam  I couldn't agree more
icwh insert cuss word here
ily I love you
imb in my belief
ime in my experience
iow  in other words
irl in real life
ita I totally agree
kwim know what I mean
jk just kidding
l8r  later
oic  oh I see
pita pain in the ass
sadh  stay at home Dad
sahm stay at home Mom