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Sixties Squirrel Page

Groovy things about the Sixties Squirrels

Sixties Squirrels are Still Going Strong

Hooray! The Squirrels have had an awesome time starting out, and we are all learning something about something! It has been a lot of fun, and we are still going strong!

-The squirrels are pleased to announce that Dan, Dillon, and Tom have all joined the psychadelic-ness of our patrol! They are all doing great!

-Patrol Leader Bob won Scout of the year for 1999-2000

-Mrs. R's St. Patricks Day Desert is still top, I have had no challengers. . . . . .

-Jess M acheived second class!!!

-Jess M has also been appointed as Assistant Patrol Leader!

A Poll!!!!! Here, take this poll:


As patrol leader I have come up with a groovy system of doing stuff in our patrol. I only ask that each member buys a regular size, black, composition notebook, then, whenever you learn something for a requirement you right down notes on it. Also, I will be getting various sixties stickers, and whenever you do a good turn, or do something above and beyond the oath and law, you get to decorate your notebook with a sticker, only my stickers will be allowed!!!!!



HELLLOOOOOOOO????????? Is anyone alive? There has been only TWO squirrel legends submitted. . . .TWO! And, no offense luke, they really need some, er, improvement. Just for luke's sake, here they are:

The First Legend

The Second Legend


The squirrels are the patrol I like to call, started by the boys, made by the boys, and maintained by the boys, this patrol has always let the boys choose what they want to do, and then has been carried out to the best of the leadership's ability. This patrol is the first patrol in the "new Troop 400" to involve their entire patrol in the making of their flag. The squirrels are the youngest patrol in the troop, in more ways than one! We have some of the youngest, and least advanced boys of our troop, and we were created third, and last. They were started by me, Bob, and Tom C. as my assistant patrol leader. Then, when I left the squirrels Tom took over as patrol leader, while I was senior patrol leader. I have returned to the squirrels after a very rough winter for them. Starting with seven members when I left, and I returned to only one active member besides myself. Now we are up to five active members, and rising!

Neat Shtuff

I will now have links to several different areas, where you can see some links to some neat sites, some cool quotes, movie quotes, and jokes! Anything anyone in the troop would like to submit I will put on the, Squirrel Shack Page
. Below is a link to it on the hot links!!!!

For more info, just call Bob, at 451-0882

For more information on our schedule just visit the link listed below as "For our Schedule. . ."

Thanks, and Rock on Rocky!

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For our Schedule. . .
To learn more about the squirrels BAD side. . .
Squirrel Shack Page
