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Apparantly some people have been viewing my page. I have no idea who they are. If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email to . I'll respond within the day.

You spend your time looking through the internet, or you just happen to talk to someone who has this address, and you come here.

Well, the simple fact that you're here says something. Either that you were tricked into coming here, or you are actually interested in reading about me and the things I do or say. Either is fine by me, as you will probably stay and read through most of my stuff before you either become extremely bored and leave, or decide to simply plagerize my ideas and run off with the things that pop up onto your screen.

The first incarnation of this page had alot of humor, small in-jokes, and other things that people could read over and over and still not quite find funny. This incarnation doesn't. If it does have jokes, or quips, or whatever you want to call them, they will be blatently obvious and stick out like a sore thumb. Or be put off into their own small section of my page, accessable by a link intitled "Jokes".

The first version of this page also had a picture of me on it. A rather sad looking thing taken by a good friend of mine I went to visit two years ago and haven't spoken to in way to long. It came down too. If you really want a picture of me, just send a request to my e-mail address which I am sure you will find somewhere on here and I'll be sure to get back to you about it. I'm pretty prompt in answering e-mails after all. Snail mail, that's another thing though.

I guess I should eventually begin talking about me sooner of later on this page, I'm not sure though. But in the short of it, I am a twenty year-old engaged male, with something that slimly passes for an actual job. I spend most of my free time writing or wasting away in front of the computer talking to the friends I do have that I will probably never even see. Oh the excitement that is my life?

I play Magic:the Gathering, try to keep up to date on movies that at least look like they might have an ounce of promise in them, and role-play, both TableTop and on-line. I'll have a link later in the page that lets you get to alot of the things I do. Magic decks, book and movie reviews, and things that involve my characters.

So, I guess I should get to the meat of it all. So, here are a few of the beginning links that will run you though my page. Should one of them not work, or you find sokething you would like to comment upon, e-mail me as

Personal Life
Movies and Books