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The Celler

You are confronted by her...towering over you...She moves not an inch...You blink rapidly, trying to...hoping to clear your vision. "You would dare to enter MY realm, Human? The realm of dreams...the home of the nightmare creatures that to this day haunt the darkest receses of your sane and sound mind..." Her eyes drift across you...sizing you up...seeming to see right into your soul...Your heart thuds against your rib cage...seeming to shake you from head to toe, yet you stare calmly up at her...revealing nothing...or so you think. Her mouth slowly curves into what might once have been a smile, and she speaks again, softly whispering into the darkness, "come then, Human...let us test your mettle...let us see how sound you mind really is...and how many lies you can tell yourself...over and over...Follow, if you dare...or if you must...I am but a watcher....and i shall not harm can I harm you? I am but a dream of your weaving...Any harm done...It is done by yourself..." She extends her hand to you. You calmly look at the hand. Chuckling, she turns around and heads for a small wooden door...You calmly begin to follow her...Then you stop...Slowly you turn around and stare at the door through which you entered...Or which had only just appeard...You are not sure which...You feel that there is a choice to be made...Make it.

Make your choice...

The Hovel
A small wooden door
