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I Here You American's I Need Your Help,

Yes We Want To Stop Federal Spending Starting With The 2 War's!

To Cut The Spending On November 3rd We Can Stop The Two War's
And Save The American People $15 Billion Dollars A Month!
The NeoCon Republican's Started The Two War's! Democrat's
To Cut The Spending With The Help Of NeoCon Republican
American's  By Stopping The Two War's!

The NeoCon Republican's Want To Save The American People Money!
Then The American People Will Be Able To Afford Health Care And Have Job's!

America you have been played for fools by the Neo Republicans for 30 years starting in 1980. The Neo Republicans sent your jobs overseas starting back in the 1980's Republicans working for Neo Republicans not the American People. The American Tax dollars are going to the two wars that had nothing to do with what happened in New York City on 911.

The Neo Republicans have invested in everything but the United States. The roads and bridges need rebuilding throughout the United States which would create millions of jobs. The Neo Republicans have plans for more war if the people vote them back in. If the American people would give the Democrats 30 years there is no doubt that they could bring this Country back to it's feet just like Bill Clinton did back in the 1990's. The American people made the wrong choice when they voted the Neo Republicans back in after Bill Clinton.

In the 1980's the small business people asked the Neo Republicans to help the little business people retool their small manufacturing companies and the Neo Republicans said no. Now the American people now's why the Neo Republican's said no because they planned to send the American People's jobs to Communist China and other Countries for investments made against the United States of America. 

America Don't Be Fooled About Your Taxes The Republican's Caused The American People's Taxs Problems By Spending Your Tax Dollars On Two War's. These Wars Had Nothing To Do With The American People! Republican's Are Only Intrested In Making Investments That Don't Help The American People's Bottom Line!
These included investments such as Abbott Labs Inc., Glaxo Smith Kline PLC,Johnson & Johnson Inc., Eli Lilly & Co., Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc.,Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc ., and Wyeth Inc.

They also included investments such as Anadarko Petroleum Corp, BP Amoco, Chevron, Exxon-Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch Shell , and Total SA.


Investments also included News Corp., Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway,Federal National Mortgage Assn, Federal Home Loan Mortgage, And More!

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Wake up America the only jobs the Neo Republican’s have created are jobs Overseas in foreign Countries to keep from paying U.S., Taxes.  For 30 years the bridges and roads all over America have been neglected by the Neo Republicans and if you vote them back in you will get more of the same. There is a Big shortage of Tax dollars going back to the State's because of the two War's making it very difficult to manage their Budget's which has caused States to raise Taxes.  Plus the Neo Republicans shipped the American Job's Overseas which made a shortage of Tax Dollars being collected by each State and the Federal Goverment. The two Wars and Neo Republicans shipping Job's Overseas is designed to Destroy the United States of America jobs have been lost because of the Neo Republican Machine working against America. The Neo Republican's have been operating this way for the past 100 years going to the Bank with the Peoples Money.

The Neo Republican’s have talked about cutting Taxes but the only Taxes that have been cut are the supper rich that moved their Companies overseas. People Cap and Trade is about how much Pollution the supper rich Neo Republican’s are going to be allowed to put into the Air every day. Last Month of September 2010 The Neo Republican's Sent 430,000 Job's Overseas Working Against The American People 100% of The Time!

The Neo Republican’s killed the American Rivers and water ways across the United States with Pollution and now they are overseas killing their water ways and Rivers the American People need to stop the Neo Republicans from destroying the World. Democrats The Working People's Party!



Democrats The Working Men & Women's Party of America We Vote No Bull!

The Neo Republican's Are Complaining About The Stimulus Not Working!
Well If It Is Not Working It Is Because They Are Blocking Progress And Sending Jobs Overseas!



Those Are The Tools Used To Send Your Jobs Overseas Below Check It Out Chamber Tools!

    The American Economy Being Rob!

The Neo Republican Party has known for a hundred years that there are other alternatives to using Oil. But they are making Millions poisoning the World with Oil in the air and water ways. See the Energy source below it tells the truth that there are other sources of Energy.  Don't Vote For Big Oil Neo Rebublican's any more Vote them out for the next 30 years!

Sending Your Children To Fight Our Neo Con Republican War's!

 Spying On American Citizens!

Isreal Started These War's With The Help of The American Neo Con's!

Afghanistan: Despite Challenges Ahead,
War Is Missing From U.S., Campaigns!

The War Party Neo Conservative Republican Jew's War's!

Charlie Wilson War The Movie: American's Should Be Spending Their Tax Dollar's At Home First!

Make Sure About Who Put Bomb's On The Jet Plane's!
See Star of David Above What's That! A Jew!

 Without Tax Dollar's There is no Money it's All Going Over Sea's to the Two War's.

See The Movie Neo Republican's Planning for your future and spending your Tax Money!    

Their success was remarkable.  Funding for covert operations against the Soviets went from $5 million to $1 billion annually . The Red Army retreated out of Afghanistan. When asked how a group of peasants was able to deliver such a decisive blow to the army of a superpower, Pakistani President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq responded simply, “Charlie did it.” At The End Of The War Charlie Wilson Had Ask The Neo Republican Zionist Jews For 1 More Million To Build Schools In Afghanistan For The Afghan Children So We Would Not Have To Return To Fight Those Children. You Know The Rest Of The True Story! Were Back! Your Tax Dollars Have Been Mist Used For Years By The Zionist Jew Neo Republicans And The American People Keep Voting For It! IRAQ! Ten Billion A Month And Ten Billion in Afghanistan A Month. The Neo Republican's Have Spent Billions Giving Money To Their Friends Oversea's!
 Now The Russian's Are Funding A Covert Operation Against The U.S., In Afghanistan! No one has ever ask what were the Russians doing in Afghanistan. The Neo Republicans picked up where the Russians left off looking for Natural Recourses. 
A Campaign Promise That Every American Will Be A Home Owner
If You Help Me To Be Re-Elected As President Of The United States Of America!
So Help Me God!
The Neo Republican's Got Their Heads Together And Robed The American People. Now They Want The World To Think It Was The Democratic Party That Rob The American Banking System Only A Fool Would Believe That Story!  Did Everyone Forget That George Bush Made A Campaign Promise That Every American Would Be A Home Owner If He Were To Be Re-Elected As President Of The United States Of America.
And We All Know The Rest Of The Story. The People In The Lending Business Saw That As An Opportunity To Get Rich And That Is Just What The Rich Did They Gave People That Did Not Qualify For A Home Loan A Loan Based On George Bush's Campaign Promise That Every American Would Have A Home On Him! 
The Same Thing Happened In The 1980's This Is An Old Neo Republican Trick Load Up The Bank's With Debt And The Little Bank's Go Out Of Business And The Larger Bank's Take Over The Debt's In Default! And Big Bank's Claim A Lose And Collect On The F.D.I.C., Which Is On The American Tax Payer's Back.
Today This Is The Same Old Play Book By The Neo Republican's But This Time It Was World Wide That The Bank's Played The Bailout Game And All Of The Bank's All Over The World Were Winner's! You See This Is Why The American People Cannot Afford To Let The Neo Republican's Back In The White House!  You See These Neo Republican's Are Highly Educated And Are Against The American Children Getting A Good Education Because They Would Be Stopped In The Future As It Was Done 2000 Years Ago In Russia! God Will Judge All Men By The Good They Have Done In Their Life! God Will Judge Those Who Live In The Red States of America!

The American People Should Understand That The Bailout Was Not Created By The Democrats It Was Created By George W. Bush. When A New President Comes Into Office Many Times The New President Has No Choice But To Follow Through On The Old President George W. Bush Orders Which Gave The Orders To Push Out To The Bailouts To Businesses All Across America Making It Look As If The Democrats Issued The Order’s For The Bailouts. The Master Minds In The NeoCon Republican Party Knew When They Issued These Bailout Orders The Democrats Would Be Blamed.

Making It All Look As if, the Democrats made Up the Bailouts and if the American People Be leaves that you are a Sucker. Once Again The American People Do Not Understand That Neo Republican’s Are Old World Communist That Mastered The Art Of War Thousands Of Years Ago And As You Know The Masters Of War Understand All Aspects Of Attacking The Human Mind As In Mind Controlled.  And Yes The American People Are Being Controlled By The NeoCon Republican,s.  Don’t Be A Sucker!

If You Don't Get This I Will Tell You A Head Of Time The Whole World Is Being Played For Sucker's
January 22, 1966
On January 22, King moves into a Chicago slum tenement to attract attention to the living conditions of the poor.
In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South
On July 10, King initiates a campaign to end discrimination in housing, employment, and schools in Chicago
The South Still Has Not Changed White People Black People Are In Trouble!
Neo Republican's Are Treating White People Like Second Class Citizens!
And Treating White People Like Slaves $7.25 Per Hour!
And Taking Millions To The Bank Telling White People To Be Conservative!

                This Ad Provided By The Neo Republican War Party! Neo Republican Agent XXX!
We Neo Republican's Are Going To Get That Black Guy!
Less Blame The Black Man For Everything!
The American People Will Go Along!
      I Need Cash!
The Neo Republican ATM Cash Machine Is Over There When You Get Elected Pick Up Your Share Of The Tax Dollars.
And Make Sure You Wheel All That Money To Your Bank Fast! These Red State Sucker's Will Continue Giving Us Money!

Also That Is Where All Neo Republican's Pick Up Their Secret Money For Shaky Operations For Sending American Tax Payer's Money On War's We Make Up As We Go "Get It". Like in Iraq weapons of mass destruction then we changed it to Iraq's Freedom that's what we are really fighting for, well that's what we the Republican's told the American People! 

Now The Neo Republican’s are working on dividing all that Money We was able to steal from the American People through the Bank’s check out our ATM Machine. The Republican's Have Printed And Spent Billions Of Dollars Over The Last 30 Years. Those Red State Sucker's Did Not See It Coming 30 Years We Did It! Those Democrats Spend Too Much On The United States. We the Neo Republican's Spend Billions of Dollars Oversea's Using The American Tax Payers Cash Money And Giveaways To Our Friends Thank You America! We the Neo Republican's Have Been Working Against The United States By Sending Job's Overseas And Spending Big Buck's To Keep It That Way! America Needs To Send the Neo Republican Party Home For The Next 30 Years!


We Are Qualified To Bring The American People More War My Terrorist Friend Bush Was Great!

Committee for Liberation of Iraq
918 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE   
Washington, DC 20003
202.543-1037 Fax 202.543-1038
Bruce Jackson, Trent Lott, Randy Scheunemann, Richard Perle, Condi Rice, Thomas Dine, Jeb Bush Frank Gaffney, John McCain, Bob Kerry, George Schultz




Hey Joe what Johnnie do you think that sending billions of dollars oversea's for the
     two wars hurt the American Economy not a bit. To bad you did not get elected. We will continue
    the wars and sending the money to Israel! Johnnie what Joe do you think we can send
more money to Israel sure Joe no problem!

Don't Let The Neo Republican Tea Party Trick You Again Into Another!
Scott Brown from Massachusetts You Red State Sucker's!

          Jewish Rabbi: Zionists are Godless Criminal Thugs:

White Neo Republican Jews Are Manipulating Non - Jewish White People 
Into Fighting Their War's With American Muslims And Foreign Muslims As They High Jack Palestine!

The Head of The American Neo RepublicanTea Party! Under Cover.
See My Jewish Neo Brothers We Are All Going To Hell! Glenn Osoma Jew!
Meet Pastor Muthee -- the man who "laid hands" on John McCain And Sarah Palin

Click On Book Below

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Paperback)
Jews Invented The Ku Klux Klan Because They Did Not Want To Give Up Slavery!
The American People Are Slave's To The Neo Republican Jewish Companies Today!





American Women I will send more American Children to the next Neo Republican War So Help Me God!
America Don't Fall For This Trick You Are Being Set Up For The Next War!
Don't Be Fooled Ladies The Neo Republican's Have an Agenda! They Will Manipulate Palin Into War!

Ms. Plain's Children Are Not Going To Do The Dieing It Will Be Your Ladies


Being A Conservative Means More For The Rich And Less For The Working Poor $7.25 per hour!

Wake up America Being A Liberal is being Close To Jesus. Jesus is a Liberal
Jew Who Became A Christian Who Gave Man A Choice To Make Change
For The Good Of The World!

Jesus did not carry a Machine Gun! Nor should real Christian's carry Machine Gun's!
Jesus Is Calling On The Strong People To Do The Right Thing! 


Under the Bush administration the United States
Government was compromised by a foreign Government.

The terrorist that the Bush administration was looking
for was Al-Qaida and as far as the World knew the terrorist Al-Qaida
were in Afghanistan not in Baghdad Iraq.

The war was not in Baghdad Iraq that was old business
that was made new business because Iraq had missiles that could
reach counties in range of 400 miles. There were no weapons of
mass destruction other than some new missiles that the Russians
helped build by providing parts and the guiding systems to Iraq to
help protect them form Iran because Iran was working on its own
missile system to attack Iraq. The truth is the attack on

Iraq was done for Neo Israel.

The bush administration used the excuse that there are
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and then when it was discovered
by the World that the United States was wrong it became the war for
the freedom of the Iraq people.



At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So, representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines. The Khazars chose Judasim, but it wasn't for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If the Khazars had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe: they chose Judaism. It wasn't for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for political reasons.

Sometime during the 13th Century, the Khazars were driven from their land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazim Jews. Because these Khazar (Ashkenazim) Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not, in the strictest sense, really Jews: at least not blood Jews. Throughout their history, these Polish and Russian Ashkenazim Jews practiced socialism and worked to have their ideas implemented in these countries. By the late 1800s significant numbers of these socialist Jews were found in Germany, the Balkans and eventually all over Europe. Because of their interference in the social and governmental affairs of Russia, they became the target of persecution by the Czars. Because of this, migration of these socialist oriented Jews began. Some went to Palestine; some went to Central and South America; and a large number of them came to the U.S.



Time Line of The Civil War, 1863

1861 | 1862 | 1863 | 1864 | 1865 | Other Photographs

The truth about the American Civil War is the North had already enslaved White Children to work in the factories in the North in the 1800’s. The plan was to enslave White People by sending the Black Slaves back to Africa to make peace with the White people. The Jewish Republican American Business Men came up with this plan they could see the future enslaving all White American People Men Women and Children.

Why do you think Jewish Republican’s don’t like Unions because without one under the Law the American worker is nothing more than a Slave and that is the Law! With a Union workers have right’s. But over the years the American Union’s were becoming too strong. So the Jewish Republican’s put into action the plan to send American jobs overseas creating new Slaves in other Countries. In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan put a real hurting on the American Union’s by destroying workers rights by attacking the Unions as Criminal Inter prizes braking down the Unions.


The Jewish Neo Republican parties War on organized crime in the 1980’s really was a War on destabilizing the American Unions and their worker’s rights. The American Jewish Neo Republican Business Men needed to have more control over their worker’s so the Jewish Republican’s came up with the Idea to destroy the American Union’s by tying the Union’s to organized crime and therefore destroying worker’s right’s.


In the 1800’s the Jewish Neo Republican Business Men started the American Civil War to gain control over the American Worker’s therefore enslaving White people and Black People. As you know today the Black People received the short end of the stick and Whites are the enslaved with very low wages $7.25 per hour without a Union the American Whites and Blacks are nothing more than Slaves under the American Neo Laws.  American's Need To Start Their Own Companies Across America in all types of Companies that work for American's that can't be shipped Oversea's because they will be Owned by the American Worker's. And The CEO Will Not Make $30 Million Dollars A Year!

The American People should be telling the Neo Republican Party we want the same Good Old Boy Health Care Plan you have on the American Tax Payers Dime and nothing less So Help Us God! Don’t let the Neo Republican’s trick the American People into thinking Health Care Is Bad for You. The Neo Republicans have the best Health Care Plan in the World and tell the American People you don’t need Health Care Because It COST TO MUCH.  JEWISH NEO REPUBLICAN'S SAY WAR IS CHEAPER FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAN HEALTH CARE!


People wake up the reason the Neo Republican’s tell the American People it cost too much is because the Neo Republican’s are going to lose money on their investment in Drugs because the prices will have to come down to the same level the Neo Republican’s are paying on their Health Care Plan if the American People have the same plan and it is an Government Ran PLAN but through the privet secretor. So please stop letting the Neo Republican’s trick you About Your Health Care Plan! The Same Old Republican Games From the 1800's to 2010 Thank You America Neo Republican's.

The People's Republic Of Red China - The U.S. Neo Republican Communist Red States 

If there are any Neo Republican’s in there get in line with our Agenda and we will let you out to Run for Neo Republican Office to Trick the American People into giving us their Tax Dollars and all of their small Change.


We The Neo Republican's Are Going To Kick Your Poor Asses You Red State Sucker's Get In Line!


"Rand NeoRepublican Jew" Who! Those Red State Sucker's Stay Down Don't Move! What Right's Fool!
America Remember What Happened In 1835 Your Next Ladies!
Republican's Bringing Back The Past When White Men Can Get Away With That!


We the Neo Republican's pledge to Run you Off the Road And end Social Security As You Know It
So Help Us God! Just Vote For Neo Republican's. Yah Right Cut Your Taxes I Don't Think So!

We the Neo Republican's have a Good Health Plan Thank You American Tax Payer's. We Are Going To The Bank With All Your Tax Dollars Again Just Vote Us In Thank You!


     Where Is My Health Plan Mr. Neo Republican's You Spent My 
    Future And Our Tax Dollars On The Two War's! I Am A Republican Where is your Check Little Boy!

Yes Dick You Are right those Red State Sucker's Will Do It Again Help Us Get Rich!
If That is What They Want more of The Same So Be It!


We the Jew Neo Republican's need to move on to the next War
with IRAN after this Midterm Election So Help Us God Red State Sucker's! 
Neo Republican's Ripping Off The American People.
Investments They Made In 2006 Neo Republican's Put
Drugs in the Drinking Water Mind Control and Others You Must Watch!
CDC: 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by 2050

  Click On Map See Red State Sucker's 


         Zionists Offer a Military Alliance with Hitler!           

Read the gripping story of Rabbi Weissmandl, valiant holocaust leader who battled both Allied indifference and Nazi hatred.

It would be wishful thinking if it could be stated that the leaders of the Zionist movement sat back and ignored the plight of their dying brothers and sisters. Not only did they publicly refuse to assist in their rescue, but they actively participated with Hitler and the Nazi regime . Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven . Its stern bore the Hebrew letter for its name, "Tel Aviv ", while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party (Nazi) member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity". Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich. In early January 1941 a small but important Zionist organization submitted a formal proposal to German diplomats in Beirut for a military-political alliance with wartime Germany. The offer was made by the radical underground "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel", better known as the Lehi or Stern Gang. Its leader, Avraham Stern, had recently broken with the radical nationalist "National Military Organization" (Irgun Zvai Leumi - Etzel) over the group's attitude toward Britain, which had effectively banned further Jewish settlement of Palestine. Stern regarded Britain as the main enemy of Zionism.



The Games That the Neo Con's Are Playing Are the Same Games That Hitler Played! There Was an Old Jewish Man

That Was A World War II Veteran And A Jew Against Zionist. There has been A War Going on with Those That Are

Practicing Jews and Those Pretending To Be Jew's. These Are the Neo Con Jew's That Are Pretending To Be Real

Jews They Are The Ones That Are Getting The White People Upset That Some Brown Skin People Are Getting Their Jobs.

Everyone In The World Should Be Entitled Not To Have Someone Putting A Boot Into Your Ass. The Only Winners Are Going To

Be the Super Rich Neo Republicans. Going To The Bank With Your Dollars Divided By Fools That Want's Nothing But Your Money!

What's Up With the Irish People around the World Making Bet's Against a Black President and Making the American Country?

Destroy It Self. The American Tea Party Is How Hitler Got Started In Germany. Hitler, Told the German People the Jews Are

Taking Your Job's and Now the American Neo Republican Party Is Telling American People Brown Skin People Are Taking Your

Job's. The American People Are Being Fooled By The Neo Con's That Spent All Of The Money On Two Wars!

If the American Tea Party Where For Real They Would Be Demanding A End To the Two War's The Day After The Election! It

Is The Neo Republican Party That Has The American People Acting Like Nazis? The Republican Party They Are Always Talking

In Code Thinking That No One Knows What They Are Talking About. Some People Will Search For Their Whole Life Looking

For The Meaning of Life Which Is Simple Live and Let Live!

             We The Neo Republican's Will Divide the American People on Race
And get back into Office As the Neo Republican KKK Ride with us America You Red State Sucker's.    

This Is What Those Neo Republican's Call The Red States "Ha" Suckers"!

Nation of The Neo Republican Party.
And Red State Sucker's if they Vote Neo Republican!

Neo Republican's: 0% Job loss Send More Job's Over Sea's soon vote for Us!

Whites: 9% of Job loss! Will be much higher soon just vote for Us!

Blacks: 15% of Job loss! Will be much higher soon just vote for Us!

College Grads: 20% of Job loss: Will be much higher soon just vote for Us!    

 Jon Stewart Is Working With The Neo Republican's Tricking Peopeol Into His Ralliey
In Wasington, D.C. Is A Distraction Design To Trick Voters His Is A Under Cover Neo Con!

 White People or Any People Have No Business Voting Neo Republican For Their Own Good! White People Are Under Attack Also!

See Below White Women's & Men's Civil Right's Under Attack!
These Could Be Your Family Members Below!





Eric Cantor Has Never Been Seen Talking With A Person of Color!

Esrael Neo Republican Women Beater Eric Cantor Said
If Any of You Red State Sucker's Think We Are
Playing Think Twice The Police State is Coming Soon Ladies And Gent's! 

They Will Manipulate The Police Into Kicking Your Asses White People!

America Remember What Happened In 1835 Your Next Ladies!
Neo Republican's Bringing Back The Past When Men Can Get Away With That!

If The President Fails Every Minority In The United States Fails. And If They The Good White People Don't Come Together Creating The Democratic Title Wave You Will Be Getting Some Real Change. It Will Not Be Back To The Future. But Back To The Past And I Don't Think Anyone Is Going To Like That!

Break The Matrix From The Neo Republican's Men And Start A New Business With Your Wife!

SBA Program Provides Women-Owned Businesses Greater Access to Government Contracts

The Small Business Administration's Women's Procurement Program Rule could provide easier access to $500 billion worth of federal contracting opportunities.