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  • Davids Song
  • Consiracy You
  • Freedom!
  • So Punk
  • Bail
  • Political Girl
  • Anti-Toilet

  • "David's Song"

    What the heck is goin' wrong?
    Why can't I write this song?
    What's it gonna be about? Am I gonna scream and shout?
    Is it gonna be sad and make everybody pout?
    How bout not, let's keep it calm...
    The world is coming down! (4x)
    Well it was just the other day,
    Things seemed to be going okay. But then...
    Aliens came from Mars destroyed some planets and some stars,
    Abducted some dumb humans and flew away some place real far,
    But I was left behind...
    The world is coming down! (4x)


    Walkin' down the hall, I got no place to go,
    But there is one thing I know...
    Someone's following me so I'd better stay low.
    But staying low won't do no good,
    They follow me back to my neighborhood.
    I can't get away but I sure as hell wish I could...
    It's you that they're looking for,
    It's you they think will start the war,
    It's you! Yeah you!!
    The government creates a conspiracy,
    Something they think the world can't see,
    It's true! So true!!
    Walkin in the park, it's getting dark,
    I don't know where I'm gonna go I can't remember where I parked,
    But the one thing I do know, is that I'm marked...
    A car pulls up, three guys hop outta the back,
    Dressed in snazzy suits they look like the Men in Black.
    I don't know what's goin on but it sure is pretty wac...
    It's you that they're looking for,
    It's you they think will start the war,
    It's you! Yeah you!!
    The government creates a conspiracy,
    Something they think the world can't see,
    It's true! So true!!


    FREEDOM!!! (2X)
    Freedom were Wallace's last words before he died!
    Freedom the time is now to hear the battle cry!
    FREEDOM!!! (2X)

    "So Punk"

    I'm so punk, that I don't know what to do,
    I'm so punk, I only eat fast food.
    I'm so punk, that I really don't care,
    I'm so punk, I don't comb my hair.
    I'm so punk, punk, punk, punk, it's in the way I walk...
    I'm so punk, punk, punk, punk, and in the way I talk!!
    I'm so punk!!(4x)
    (Toast Break:)
    I'm so punk!!(4x)


    Skating again behind the old grocery store
    they said I wasn't allowed when they found me here before
    Didn't you see the sign, they said,
    if we catch you here again, you'll wish you were dead
    but I keep skating and I still bail,
    when one of my tricks fails
    It seems to happen more often than not,
    that I can out skate my captors when I get caught
    but that was not the case that day
    I fell off my board when they saw me, and I had to run away
    it seems to me, I say to myself,
    skating isn't turning out to be very good for my health
    get back here you stupid kid, I heard them yell
    I knew if I got caught, id be in for some hell
    so I ran and I ran, and I ran some more,
    but I am only one, and they were four...
    I struggled hard, but they still got me in their car,
    punching and kicking can only take you so far..
    They took me down to the police station,
    I prayed I wouldn't be facing incarceration
    but taking off my handcuffs was their first mistake,
    I punched the cop in the face, and made my escape
    I guess I just got lucky that day,
    I didn't have to pay bail, I just ran away
    but im drawn to that place like a moth to a flame,
    I could skate somewhere else, but it just wouldn't be the


    I was at the book store
    I was reading some books
    this girl in the corner
    she was giving me looks
    She got off her chair
    and she confronted me
    i said:
    "hey, how's it goin, let's get some tea"
    then she began to preach
    her ideals on me and she couldn't handle when i
    she didn't know what she stood for
    just liked to make a show
    she couldn't handle anything
    when i had to tell her no
    she's an over active,underthinking, ignorant, political gil(4x)
    knowledge is key
    in the fight for the free
    educate yourself, before you disagree
    i'm sick of the hypocracy!
    cuase your an over active, underthinking...........


    > Wake up at about twelve-o-clock
    strap the board to the car
    and throw in hip hop
    goin to the beach
    just a Saturday
    I know that I will have to stay
    Anti-Toilet, Anti-Toilet he'll get you
    Anti-Toilet, Anti-Toilet he is who?
    Meet up with some bro's at a pollo loco
    gonna eat a fat taco
    hittin a wave and you feel something rumble
    then your stomache starts to crumble
    find 50 cents in my surfer shorts
    find 50 more on the b-ball courts
    now I have the fee today
    for public restrooms
    are Anti-Toilet's the thing of the past?
    how long will they last?