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Drover/Hodgson Family Website...

Hello and welcome to the new design home of my personal web page. The name has now changed as well. I will be adding to my site as much as possible with new pictures and avatars. Check back often. 

This is a site devoted to my family pictures.  Hope you like the variety of pictures posted.  

This is a poem my husband wrote for me when he first proposed to me almost 10 years ago.


As days go by my heart grows fonder; Never again will my heart or soul wander; Your love has gripped just like a glove; A love that is true as a single white dove; I love you now, always and forever; I am not letting you go, not now not ever; My heart and sole belong only to you; Nothing will change no matter what you say or do; You're in my arms now and that is where you'll always be; That's why I ask now,


Love Darcy

This poem caught my eye and made me think.

"Simple Wonders"

Sometimes the road ahead seems so uncertain; The shadows close around me tighter, tighter tighter, Unrelenting fear grips me again. Through the tears I struggle, I think of you and what we shared, I watch our children sleeping, And it love, always love That brings me back again. A tiny spark, The memory of mountains and laughter And summer evenings Pushes me forward as I pray For peace, for love, for laughter To enter my heart today.

by Connie Morrison.

Here are some pictures of the family in no specific order.


Me in High school

Me in High school. 


                                Samantha as a toddler         Donna age three or four                                  


           Chelsi, Matt, Donna and Darcy           Darcy and I            Darcy in front of our house 


Melodies Girls in Moose Jaw


                     Mel and Stevey             Stevey                Samantha Gr 8       Samantha Gr 8


Mine and Darcy's Wedding Day June 16th 2007.

Here are some pictures that were done for virtual places chat and msn chat.

These are a hobby of mine besides scrapbooking.