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Moth Nest

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It's been a long time. So long that my home is faded and outdated. So long that I no longer remember all the tools I used to build it. No matter. It is easy to begin anew.
-The Moth (updated 3/10/03)

The Library Ah. Perhaps the most renovated portion of my abode. A whole slew of poems has been added, as well as a number of essays. Come in explore the shelves! (updated 4/18/01)

The Temple Without a doubt, the most cut-down version of my site, though no doubt it will soon expand. Here you may find various ramblings on my religious leanings- and I have many, being inspired by Paganism, Taoism, Unitarian Universalism, and Agnosticism, primarily. Although I only got around to putting up a general essay and some paganny things, I promise that all faiths should be represented shortly.

The Junk Drawer I needed some place to store all the little odds and ends I had left over after my renovation. Undoubtedly the most eclectic portion of my site. I shan't tell you all of what's in there- it would spoil the fun! Please, check it out. : maniacal cackle : : cough : I mean, I'm sure it will be an enjoyable visit.

Enjoy your stay in my abode, and until we meet again,
May you replace ease with effort; may you find joy in always scaling new mountains; may you never rest from your pursuit of knowledge and your desire to always be a little bit better than yesterday and a little bit less than tomorrow. May you find the peace of being a whole human being. Shalom.
~The Moth

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