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"I am on the side of the people - no matter where they live - who will suffer the violence, not the leaders - no matter where they live - who will plan it. I am on the side of peace, not war. I am on the side of justice, not vengeance. And most important, I am on the side of hope, not despair." - Robert Jensen | | | Pictures of Me | Links | Contact Me |

All articles written by Matt Sisco.

About Me and what i Believe


I am being raised in a christian home, both of my parents work on sundays at the church and stuff. But they know i am not a Christian. And they are accepting of that, *any christian parent who is not accepting in that sense really isn't a christian.* I do not believe in the christian god, nor do i believe the stories of Jesus. The mircles of jesus i wonder about, and this leads me to another point; If jesus could do these "miracles" couldn't everyone else? Since jesus and i, both live in the same universe. There IS some way to for ME to do these things, i just have to discover them. It's kinda like two kids throwing a ball, one kid can, the other can't. They both have the same ABILITY but it's just one who has MASTERED the ability. I stay away from religion because it tells me "hey, you don't have to think anymore, we have all the answers here!" I do love many Zen teachings though, along with some of jesus' teachings. Yes i have studied the Bible, i have read it a few times also. Also almost every christian friend i have had i have strayed away from since i became more of a "thinker" i should say. Because everytime i'd start a debate with one of these people they would back up facts about the bible WITH THE BIBLE.


Well who said death was the end to all things, none of us really know do we? And who knows, mabye this is an afterlife. I sorta believe that what i'm living right now does not even exist. I believe it to be something along the lines of a dream , or mabye you could consider it a game. But you may think i'm weird but damn,You know when people are shy and stuff....well i'm not very shy and i don't really care what they think because i just believe all of they exists inside of my head *actually it does because without my mind i cannot experience anything in this world* But you know, the thing i don't like about religions is that most of the answers are there for you. And whats the fun in that? I like to think about ways on my own that things could have happened. And right now it's working out for me. Mabye i'll accept a religion later on, but it's very unlikely, i just find it uneeded. Tell me why i would need a religion, other then the "join up with us or you are going to hell" propaganda. Another thing is, does anyone ever think about their dreams. I sometimes feel that when we are dreaming it's the time that we are REALLY alive. In dreams we can do anything, out of dreams we are restriced by the body. I rather limit myself by my mind then my body. Sure none of this makes much sense to those who don't have much of an imaginaiton. But try it for one day, you'll see how much easier it is to get through the day knowing that none of this actually exists.


This is for those who tell me to leave the country because i do not support President Bush.

1. your logic is flawed, because we live in a democratic republic where we have the freedom of speech press and religion. Thinking like you are is the same as saying "this country was founded on christianity, if you are not a christian you cannot live here." There country grants you the freendom *because of those who gave their lives decades ago* to say what you want. This is a free country, what you stated can be used against you, saying "This is one country, you agree with our view or you leave" That right there, what you expressed is a dictatorship, such as Iraq. Since you agree with dictatorship, YOU infact, can move to someplace like iraq where they have that state of government.


There are two types of Patriots in my eyes.

Type One

The person who believes everything and everything the heads of state say. They never question government, or ridicule it. If they come in contact with someone who does, they will denouce that person as a traitor or Anti-American. This is not Patriotism this is Ignorance

Type 2

I get alot of "why are you so Anti-American, you are always saying bad things about the President.." First, i'd like to quote Theodore Roosevelt.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

People mistake me, i am infact a great patriot. But patriotism does not mean going along with everything our government does. I hardly agree with anything that our President does. One, i do not agree that we should be in a war with Iraq right now. Yes, Saddam is a bad person. But is he a direct threat to our peace? No. North Korea on the other hand, i believe is. Why is it we are ignoring this country? Bush and his regime have gone to war with Iraq for holding "weapons of mass destruction" and not following the rules of the UN. Reflect back on current events and ask yourself, what has the United States just done? I seem to remember Bush breaking away from the UN and declaring war on Iraq. Did the UN agree to this? No. Did the U.N find Saddams behavior pleasing? No. Yet who has ACTED agressivly? The U.S or Iraq? Who are the real terrorists? Saddam Hussein or the U.S President? Minutes before the bombing started Bush told the country it "Feels Good" You know what i say? FUCK BUSH

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