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IMAGES Personal Development Workshop for Teens and Ladies


for the

40ish woman and her teen daughter

Ladies, it's taken us so long to get here. It's our turn to shine too!

NEWS: Look what's happening in the Cosmetics/Fashion world. News headlines below.

Welcome to IMAGES

IMAGES is a personal development program geared toward women fast approaching or smack dab into their 40's. IMAGES for teen girls will resume in the near future.

In this 'hands-on workshop' you will learn about Image Awareness in its entirety.
Seven sessions for Women. Twelve for Teen Girls.

IMAGES has been in existence since 1992 and is dedicated to positive personal development of both women and teen girls. Online sessions are held frequently through Yahoo clubs. You can access them by clicking on the link below and joining the club.

Join the fun and make the most of YOU!

*IMAGES does not represent any skin care or cosmetic product line.


Topics include: Skin Care after 40, Today's Cosmetics and Proper Application, Hair Care, Your Wardrobe and Today's Trends.

Workshops for teens include the topics: Skin Care, Confidence and Poise, Walking Techniques, Proper Nutrition, Your Wardrobe, Proper Make Up Application, to name a few. Please contact me at the email address below if you are interested in this workshop.

Thank you for visiting IMAGES here at

Please bookmark this page and visit it often. It's updated frequently and new links are always being added for your enjoyment.

Look and feel more poised and confident. Learn the latest tricks with cosmetics and learn about wardrobe trends.

If you wish additional information about the program,or to purchase the manual please contact me at:

JOIN US! Located in Zurich, Switzerland.

Copyright 1999-2004, All Rights Reserved

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Take a minute and look through's Fashion and Beauty sections. (In association with

Remember you can access IMAGES through Yahoo Clubs and by the above link. Online chats are held frequently where we discuss all topics relating to your personal Image and how you can enhance it. Join us! I will send you an email when the next chat session is scheduled. Remember - Always be your best. Always be beautiful.

Great places to visit! Click on and go -

IMAGES online sessions your daughters) your daughters)
Fashion and Beauty for you and for Mom @
Books, Music & more things to buy online@ AMAZON.COM.UK
Have fun with Hair Care @
Trends & Gifts @ Summer Beauty Trends
Online Beauty Shopping @
Great Shopping @ Don't go to the Cosmetics Counter without having read this book! View the latest creations from the worlds runways
