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DDawg'z Realm

Yo Mama is so stupid

  • I caught her looking over a glass wall to see what was on the other side.
  • it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
  • it took her half an hour to make minute rice.
  • she thought a hot meal was stolen food.
  • she looks for the Sunday paper on Tuesdays.
  • she put your puppy in the oven to make a hot dog.
  • she bought a solar-powered flashlight.
  • she invented glow-in-the-dark sunglasses/water-proof teabag/condom with sweatholes/wheelchair with pedals.
  • she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away the W's.
  • if you gave her a penny for her thoughts, you'd get back change.
  • she took the Pepsi Challenge and chose Jif.
  • she thought Taco Bell was a phone company in Mexico.
  • she spent twenty minutes staring at the orange juice carton because it said "Concentrate".
  • I told her it was chilly outside, so she went and got a bowl.
  • I told her the drinks were on the house, she went and got a ladder.
  • she thought Beirut was a famous home run hitter.
  • she calls pagers collect.
  • tried to strangle herself with a cordless phone.
  • she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
  • she went to drug rehab because she thought she was Hooked on Phonics.
  • they had to burn her school down just to get her out of 2nd grade.
  • that on her job application, under Education, she put, "Hooked on Phonics".
  • she asked me what kind of jeans I had on, I said "Guess", and she said "uh, Levi's?".
  • she stands up on an empty bus.
  • when you were born, she looked at the umbilical cord and said, "Hey, it comes with cable."
  • she thought hamburger helper came with another person.
  • she sold her car for gas money.
  • that she hops the turnstyle when she gets OFF the train.
  • she checked the Lost and Found when she missed her period.
  • she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
  • she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
  • when I asked her to buy me a color TV, she asked me what color.
  • when she saw the "NC-17 (Under 17 Not Admitted)" sign, she went home and got 16 friends.
  • she saw a "Wet Floor" sign, so she took a piss.
  • she got fired from a blow-job.
  • she went to a 24-hr store and asked what time they closed.
  • she broke into a furniture store and slept on the floor.
  • I saw her in the frozen food section with a fishing rod.
  • she thought Cheerios were donut seeds.
  • she thought Meow Mix was a dance album for cats.
  • I asked her to go to Subway's for two heroes and she came back with Batman and Robin.
  • I taught her how to do the "Running Man", and I haven't seen her since.
  • she only has one toe on each foot, but she bought a pair of flip flops.
  • someone told her to take out the trash, so she moved out of the house.
  • she writes "Thank You" notes for her bills.
  • she put out the cigarette butt that was heating your house!
  • she married your daddy.
  • she cooks with Old Spice.
  • I know she's been using my computer when I see the White-Out on my screen.

